Educational Technology Cooperative
Educational Technology
Where technology and learning connect
The SREB Educational Technology Cooperative is comprised of representatives from state K-12 education agencies, career and technical education agencies, and higher education coordinating and governing boards, representing more than 800 colleges and universities and 3,100 public school districts in SREB states. The ETC works with its member state education agencies to:
Convene ETC representatives who have similar interests or concerns through events, meetings, publications, webinars and other forums. Involve education leaders, policymakers, law makers and other practitioners in discussions to help them envision and advocate for a comprehensive pre-K-20 educational technology environment that is learner-centered, adaptive, innovative and sustainable.
Shape the technology environment and educational culture through communication of the 10 Issues in Educational Technology affecting our member representatives, education agencies and practitioners. Use the strength and credibility of SREB to help states understand and implement the best practices, processes and policies for solving these issues.
Collaborate with ETC representatives and their stakeholders to develop innovative technology solutions as well as policy that incorporates sound technology policies that support student advancement and completion through technology-enhanced learning.
The Work of ETC
SREB monitors and reports on educational technology topics to help states use technology wisely. As technology-enhanced education has evolved, so has the work of the ETC. In the past, the ETC issued an annual report on state virtual schools and reported on the trend toward district-level online learning in K-12 schools. Today, the ETC continues the very successful Worthy of Note newsletter and maintains a continuous dialogue with members on the topic of the ETC’s 10 Critical Issues in Educational Technology.
Since understanding the most current issues related to technology-enhanced education is critical to student success, the ETC provides members with the most up-to-date information that can be applied in a realistic time frame through a flexible policy environment. The ETC focuses on lessons learned from proven research and applies those lessons to benefit all students. Through the ETC, members get first-hand accounts of what works and link need with realistic policy.
Integrated Data Systems and Predictive Analytics in Higher Education
This policy brief explores up-to-date information on how data systems and predictive analytics work in tandem to provide colleges and universities the data necessary to map out the future. Through aligned data systems and data definitions, higher education entities can make better data-based decisions and gain substantial returns on investments.
COVID-19 and Broadband Access in SREB States
Resources and Strategies for Extended School Closures
Access to broadband speeds sufficient for digital learning has become one of the most pressing education issues of the COVID-19 pandemic. This briefing offers an overview of the Federal Communications Commission Keep Americans Connected Pledge, the E-Rate program extension, TV white space, CARES Act funding and additional K-20 strategies to expand broadband access.
Making the Connection
Digital Skills and Access for 21st Century Learning
This brief covers student digital literacy and bandwidth, two of SREB’s 10 Issues in Educational Technology. It presents definitions and state standards for digital literacy, then turns to the need to expand reliable, affordable bandwidth for educators and students. The report details 2019 legislative actions on broadband and spotlights Louisiana’s bandwidth plan, concluding with recommendations and resources for policymakers.
Cyberattacks: Helping Schools Fight Back
Nearly 60 percent of U.S. school districts report cyberattacks infrequently — every month or less, according to a recent Consortium for School Networking report. But in November, David Couch, K-12 Chief Information Officer at the Kentucky Department of Education, made a startling announcement. Couch told the SREB Legislative Advisory Council that he’d seen over 4 billion attempted cyber-attacks in one year in his state.
National Cyber Security Awareness Month
Technology security is a
global issue for education, government, military, business and private individuals. Each October,
the topic is highlighted to bring attention to the issue.
According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, National Cybersecurity Awareness Month is celebrating its 15th year since inception. Homeland Security provides information on its website.
Expanding Accessibility to Digital Spaces Through Improved Policy and Practice
Making online content accessible for students with disabilities is not easy, but it is the law. As deficiencies have resulted in lawsuits and costly resolutions, more-specific legislation has emphasized that all students need greater access to digital resources. This policy brief reviews the legal landscape and offers recommendations for how states, state agencies, colleges and schools can comply with federal and state disability laws.
Data Privacy and Security
Policy Brief, 10 Issues in Educational Technology
Educators and policymakers often struggle to balance keeping data private and secure with making educational technology available for innovations in teaching and learning. This policy brief reviews recent legislation related to data privacy and security and reports on security breaches at various organizations. It also provides policy recommendations that incorporate best practices in technology, transparent data governance and security risk mitigation, while maintaining accessible and functional systems.