State: Delaware
Your Guide to Data and Services for Delaware
SREB works with Delaware policymakers, colleges and schools to help them improve education. From this page, find independent, accurate data, reliable best practices and ways to share scarce resources.
Delaware Members of the Board
Matt Meyer, Governor of Delaware, Dover, ex
officio (2029)
Mark A. Holodick, Secretary of Education,
Wilmington (2025)
Robert W. Rescigno, Assistant Vice
President, Academic Affairs, Wilmington University, Milford
David P. Sokola, State Senator, Newark
(2026) Executive Committee member
Kimberly Williams, State Representative,
Wilmington (2028)
(Appointments to the Board are made by the Governor. Terms
expire June 30 of the specified year.)
Delaware Members of the Legislative Advisory Council
Stephanie Bolden, State Representative,
Debra Heffernan, State Representative,
Brian Pettyjohn, State Senator, Georgetown
David Sokola, State Senator, Newark
Laura Sturgeon, State Senator, Woodbrook
Kimberly Williams, State Representative,