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Blog post Sheniqua Pierce | SREB Research Analyst II

Generation Z Isn’t Interested in Teaching
Why Not?

By improving the profession, we can harness Gen Z optimism and attract diverse teachers to the most rewarding profession

As a graduate student in 2021, I interviewed Ms. Sharpe for an assignment in my Qualitative Research II course. Ms. Sharpe, a Black woman, member of Generation Z, and a fourth-grade teacher two years removed from her educator preparation program, expressed frustration, angst, worry, pride and hopelessness.

Blog post Jessica NadzamSREB Research and Policy Analysis Associate

Education Data Doesn’t Have to Be a Needle in a Haystack

In the data-driven age, leaders constantly turn to data to help prevent or solve problems in education. As problems such as teacher shortages and student learning loss persist in education, could a lack of data be hindering educational leaders from reaching successful outcomes?  

Blog post Megan Boren, SREB Project Manager

Paying Teachers Less for Summers Off
Do teachers really get more leave than other professionals?

Megan BorenA common comment I hear in my work researching the teacher workforce and its challenges is that “teachers only work 10 months per year, so they should make less money.”

In my view, compensation should be about the level of skill and knowledge required, the impact of the position and the growth of the employee. In addition to the market rate, these are the typical elements factored into compensation for professionals.

Blog post Stephen Pruitt, President, Southern Regional Education BoardFelicia Cumings Smith, President & CEO, National Center for Families Learning

Longitudinal literacy programming pays dividends for all ages

Veronica Valencia didn’t know many people when she moved to southwest Detroit from Michoacán, Mexico in 2005. So, when her nieces and nephews had the chance to be part of a new family literacy program at their school, Valencia jumped at the chance to be there and support them.  

The family literacy program, made possible by Kentucky’s National Center for Families Learning with support from Toyota, relied on NCFL’s signature four-component family literacy model, which seeks to impact a family’s long-term trajectory through a multigenerational approach.

Blog post Susan Simpson, SREB Leadership CoachConnie Luper, SREB Senior Leadership Coach

Three Ways to Design for Teacher-Led Growth (and Why You Should Care)

Three Ways to Design for Teacher-Led Growth (and Why You Should Care)

Just like you ask teachers to create environments where students feel an ownership over their learning, teachers will do well in a teaching environment where they have ownership over their own growth.

In this post, we talk about how to accomplish this teacher-led growth in your school.