New Teacher Induction


Teacher Induction Programs
From alt-prep to classroom ready

Alternatively prepared or licensed teachers may have strong math and science knowledge, experience in business and a strong drive to teach ─ yet lack teaching skills or classroom confidence.

SREB’s induction programs support early-career teachers who come to the profession through a route other than an undergraduate degree in education. Backed by research on what works, these targeted programs build new teachers’ skills through intensive summer instruction, professional learning sessions, on-the-job coaching, mentoring with experienced teaching, and support from school leaders. 

Participants learn what great teachers do and how they do it, including: 

  • How to plan instruction to be ready for the first day, first week and first semester
  • How to create a positive learning culture
  • How to personalize instruction and plan real-world assignments
  • How to engage, motivate and support students
  • How to assess student learning
Publication February 20221 page

Our Teacher Induction Programs
Recruit, prepare and retain great teachers

Effective, committed, inspiring teachers are the key to student success. That’s why we’ve developed research-based teacher induction designed to build confidence so educators remain in the profession. New and veteran teachers’ gain capacity to plan instruction, engage diverse students, manage classrooms and create standards-driven assessments,

Our teacher induction programs provide intensive, ongoing professional development, coaching and mentoring to help schools recruit, prepare and retain the best teachers.