State: South Carolina


South Carolina
Your Guide to Data and Services for South Carolina

SREB works with South Carolina policymakers, colleges and schools to help them improve education. From this page, find independent, accurate data, reliable best practices and ways to share scarce resources.

Henry McMaster, Governor of South Carolina, Columbia, ex officio (2027)
Rita Allison, Chair, State Board of Education, Lyman (2024)
Melanie Barton, Education Policy Advisor, Office of the Governor, Columbia (2026)
Nikki G. Setzler, former State Senator, West Columbia (2025) Executive Committee member
Ellen Weaver, State Superintendent of Education, Columbia (2023)

(Appointments to the Board are made by the Governor. Terms expire June 30 of the specified year.)

Shannon Erickson, State Representative, Beaufort

South Carolina saved $136,000 on $1.5 million in technology purchases in fiscal year 2023 through SREB participation in discount agreements. Details >

Colleges and universities in South Carolina save an estimated $1.6 million annually and saved an initial $5.6 million on authorization for distance learning through SARA, the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement. Details >

News SREB News Release

South Carolina wins 2024 SREB State Leadership Award
State honored for commitment to professional development and preparing students for success

The South Carolina Department of Education is the winner of the Southern Regional Education Board’s 2024 State Leadership Award for creating professional learning experiences for educators and implementing college- and career-readiness strategies. The state received the award July 9 at SREB’s Making Schools Work Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

News SREB News Release

Schools Honored at the Making Schools Work Conference
2019 Gene Bottoms Pacesetter School Awards

Ten schools were recognized at the Making Schools Work Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, for their efforts to increase quality instruction and raise student achievement.

The Gene Bottoms Pacesetter Awards recognize schools that implement one of SREB’s Making Schools Work school improvement frameworks and are achieving success in increasing student graduation rates, readiness for college or careers, and credential attainment.

How did each school achieve the award? Download the releases below for details.


Arkansas, Alabama And Missouri Educators, South Carolina School Win National Readiness Awards
Leadership in preparing students for success in high school and after

Three educators and a South Carolina high school were honored this week with Southern Regional Education Board awards. These recognize outstanding teaching and leadership with SREB Readiness Courses, which help underprepared students succeed in high school and postsecondary studies. The winners were honored at SREB’s Readiness Courses Institute in Orlando, Florida.