High school grad projections for the South
Thursday, Feb. 23
3:30 to 4:30 ET
The South is the only U.S. region where the number of high school graduates will continue growing into the coming decades, according to the latest Knocking at the College Door projections from the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.
Learn more in a webinar from SREB and WICHE.
Find out what changing demographics will mean for:
- State policy
- Workforce trends
- College enrollment
- K-12 enrollment
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After increasing 28 percent between 2000 and 2012, the number of high school graduates in the Southern region is expected to increase another 11 percent by 2025, with notable growth among Hispanic and Asian students. In other regions of the country, the steady growth that fueled expansion of higher education in recent decades is leveling off.
Demarée Michelau, Vice President, Policy Analysis and
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Susan Lounsbury, Director of Education Data Services
Southern Regional Education Board
Kate Akers, Executive Director
Kentucky Center for Education and Workforce Statistics
Jean Massey, Associate Superintendent for
Secondary Education and Career and Technical Education
Mississippi Department of Education
David Wright, Senior Policy Advisor
Tennessee Higher Education Commission
The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
(WICHE) Knocking at
the College Door projections of high school
graduates are widely used by policymakers, researchers,
postsecondary institutions and the media. The ninth edition
projects graduates by state and by race/ethnicity through the
class of 2032.
Knocking at the College Door: Data and Implications for
the Southern Region webinar hosted by the Western Interstate
Commission for Higher Education in collaboration with the
Southern Regional Education Board.