Dr. Alexandria Graves
Teaching Institution: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
Field of Study: Soil Microbiology
Exposing URMs to a career in soil microbiology.
I have been involved with the “Creating Awareness of Agriculture and Life Sciences Disciplines, Degree Programs and Discoveries (CAALS-3D) Summer Research Experience” in the College of Agriculture and Life Science at North Carolina State University. I provided research, training and mentoring to student participants. The program seeks to increase awareness and interest in career fields within the food, agricultural, environmental and life sciences among North Carolina School of Science and Math students from underrepresented groups. Over the six-year (2009-2014) course since the beginning of the program, I have directly supervised and provided 19 program participants from the North Carolina School of Science and Math with hands-on research experiences in soil and environmental microbiology in my laboratory.
Dr. Graves conducts research related to measuring the impact of soil conditions on the amount of E. coli in various types of soils. She works with graduate students to help them produce scientifically sound research. Her environmental soil microbiology teaching assistants develop skills in pedagogy, problem- solving, advisement and workplace readiness. She has received funding from the National Science Foundation, North Carolina Department of Environmental Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation and other agencies and foundations.