Dr. B. D’Andra Orey
Teaching Institution: Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi
Field of Study: Political Science
Motivating the next generation of researchers.
I have been working with the Center of Undergraduate Research at JSU to involve students in my current research efforts. We first seek out top-tier summer research programs. In the past five years, we have had three students attend programs at Duke, four at the University of California, Irvine, and one at Harvard. In the past five years, six students have been accepted into Ph.D. programs, with two already completed. Universities include the University of Michigan, Texas A&M, Purdue, Howard, University of Nebraska and the University of Mississippi.
Dr. Orey researches the impact of hair texture and complexion on the evaluation of black political candidates. He is also researching the impact of racially traumatic stressful events on the physiological and political attitudes of black citizens. The National Science Foundation and The Mississippi Humanities Council have funded his research. Dr. Orey has also been recognized as Jackson State University’s Teacher of the Year in 2011, and has published over 20 scholarly articles.