Counseling Support for Recovery
After crisis in schools and colleges


The Southern Regional Education Board, in close collaboration with governors’ offices, state education agencies, local districts and postsecondary institutions, is creating the SREB Crisis Recovery Support Network. It will provide a coordinated response to crisis recovery, offering year-long emotional and mental health support for students, teachers and communities impacted by tragedy.

SREB will provide specialized training for a cadre of counselors across the South, building shared capacity to support crisis recovery in their home state or elsewhere. These counselors will be available for crucial and sustained support for students and teachers as well as for local counselors, who often face an emotional toll after tragedy. 

Prioritizing Recovery, Day 3 to 370

After natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes and floods, after violence on campus, students, teachers and entire communities – especially in rural areas – are left to cope with deep emotional and psychological wounds. 

This takes at least a year of dedicated support. Recovery does not happen by having counselors available for a few days after students return. It is an extended healing process. The SREB Crisis Recovery Network will complement existing crisis management efforts by focusing on long-term healing and psychological resilience.

For additional details on how the program, training and funding will work, see our FAQs.