CRM Table test
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State K-12 Standards, Programs and Pathways AI Education or Workforce Policy Uiiversity-Based AI Centers and Research Labs
Alabama Artificial Intelligence is referenced in the 2018 Digital Literacy and Computer Science Course of Study spanning grades K-12.  SB78, Act No. 2021-344 established the Alabama Council on Advanced Technology and Artificial Intelligence to review and advise the Governor, the Legislature, and other interested parties on the use and development of advanced technology and artificial intelligence. (Enacted, 4/2021) Auburn University AI Initiative
  Seventeen basic AI content standards are included in the 2022 Alabama IT Course of Study. AI is listed as a 1.0 credit course for grades 10-12 with IT or Programming prerequisite. HB187 makes appropriations for the support, maintenance and development of public education in the state, for debt service, and for capital outlay for the upcoming fiscal year, including funds for artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and STEM enhancements. (Enacted, 2020)* Alabama Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (AAICE; a public-private partnership including Alabama State University, Central Alabama Community College, Southern Union State Community College, Talladega College, Trenholm State Community College, and Tuskegee University
    SJR62 recognizes the technology industry and emerging sectors’ impact on state’s economy. (Failed, 2020)* (wrong link on this one )  
Arkansas Arkansas adopted the 2020 CS and Computing Standards for High School – AI and Machine Learning. SB656 creates the Data Sharing and Data Driven Decision-Making Task Force. The task force shall recommend funding mechanisms to support the use of statewide data sharing, including without limitation data analytics, machine learning, and innovative technologies to link data between agencies, to support data driven decision making for all state agencies. (Enacted, 2019)* Center for No-Boundary Thinking at Arkansas State University
  The state offers three courses in AI and Machine Learning 1, 2, 3   AI-Campus at Arkansas State training for undergraduates through junior faculty wrong link again
  The state has no AI-specific K-12 standards.   University of Arkansas research: Trustworthy & Responsible AI yet again the wrong link