Guidance, Standards, Research
SREB States

static map of 16 Southern states

This resource describes guidance, policy and standards to date in SREB states, with links to source documents on state websites. It also lists university research centers focused on AI. Please let us know of updates to state policy and research.




Research Centers


AI Guidance for Education


 Executive Order 738 created a task force to recommend policies for the responsible and effective use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in state executive-branch agencies.

The task force will submit a report by November 30, 2024 providing details of current use of GenAI in agencies and recommendations for how to responsibly deploy GenAI in state government. 


The Arkansas Planning Guide for AI: A Framework for School Districts. The Arkansas guide is a modified companion to the AI Integration Framework for School Districts, originally created by Michigan Virtual.


The AI in Delaware Education Guidance was developed by the Council on Educational Technology in collaboration with the Generative AI Subcommittee.






Kentucky Department of Education Artificial Intelligence Guidance Brief


Artificial Intelligence in Louisiana Schools Guidance for K-12 Schools

Based on recommendations from the LDOE’s Artificial Intelligence Task Force, the guidance can be used by school systems to create their own AI policies.




Artificial Intelligence: Guidance for K-12 Classrooms

This resource is designed to provide procedural guidance and instructional strategies to district leaders, school leaders, and classroom teachers on how to appropriately use artificial intelligence in schools. The guide starts with a definition of AI and explores its impact on the classroom. It also highlights how students, teachers, and administrators can leverage AI, and what factors should be taken into consideration when developing a policy for AI use.

North Carolina

The NC Department of Public Instruction’s guidance document has been developed to help education leaders adapt and implement generative AI responsibly in their schools and infuse AI Literacy into all grade levels and curriculum areas.


Guidance and Considerations for Using Artificial Intelligence in Oklahoma K-12 Schools

This guidance provides recommendations for Oklahoma school districts and is not law or regulation. It is intended to support districts as they explore the potential applications of AI in schools.

South Carolina South Carolina State Government’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy was developed with Gartner and state government information technology and security professionals to help state agencies with adoption of AI technologies. 
Tennessee State law now requires the Board of Trustees of the University of Tennessee, the Board of Regents, each local governing board of trustees of a state university, each local board of education, and the governing body of each public charter school to adopt a policy regarding the use of artificial intelligence technology by students, faculty, and staff for instructional and assignment purposes.
Texas HB 2060 created the council to study and monitor AI systems developed, employed, or procured by state agencies. The bill requires the council to assess the need for a code of ethics for AI systems in state government and recommend administrative actions state agencies may take without further legislative authorization. State agencies are required to complete an inventory report by July 1, 2024, that describes the automated decision systems being developed, employed, or procured by the agency. The council will review the inventories and include a summary of its findings as well as any policy recommendations in a report due to the Texas Legislature by December 1, 2024.

The state’s guidelines for AI Integration Throughout Education are comprised of the following three key components.

  1. Guiding Principles
  2. Strategies for Success
  3. Roles and Responsibilities
West Virginia

The state’s guidance provides support for the use of artificial intelligence across various roles in West Virginia PK-12 schools, catering to the needs of superintendents, district staff, educators, and support staff. The guidance intends to focus on effectively and safely integrating AI, especially generative AI technologies, in classroom instruction, school administration, and district operations, while aligning with existing West Virginia Board of Education policies. Additionally, the West Virginia Department of Education has developed a Canvas resource site that acts as a hub of materials and resources for school districts and educators. This site will be regularly updated alongside this guidance to ensure it remains a relevant and valuable resource.



K-12 Standards, Programs and Pathways


Artificial Intelligence is referenced in the 2018 Digital Literacy and Computer Science Course of Study spanning grades K-12.


Seventeen basic AI content standards are included in the 2022 Alabama IT Course of Study. AI is listed as a 1.0 credit course for grades 10-12 with IT or Programming prerequisite.


Arkansas adopted the 2020 CS and Computing Standards for High School – AI and Machine Learning.


The state offers three courses in AI and Machine Learning 1, 2, 3


The state has no AI-specific K-12 standards.


The state’s computer science pathway includes Exploring Computer Science, AP Computer Science Principles, and AP Computer Science A, each of which reference AI. ECS has a new alternate unit on AI that can take the place of units 5 or 6.


“The Delaware Department of Education has provided resources and facilitated discussions among the state’s district/charter digital learning leads on this topic. DDOE has not presented on this topic to the Delaware State Board of Education to date. DDOE has not issued a statement on AI.”


In 2022, the Florida State Board of Education approved an AI curriculum framework and three-year program of study in Artificial Intelligence Foundations (9401100, part of Engineering and Technology Education):

  • Artificial Intelligence in the World
  • Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  • Procedural Programming
  • Foundations of Machine Learning

The University of Florida partnered with the state to develop and provide professional development, coaching and resources to teachers in a growing number of districts and the Florida Virtual School.


Florida participated in the AI4K12 project funded by the NSF (Award DRL-1846073) with the joint assistance of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA).


The Georgia Department of Education has adopted an Artificial Intelligence Career Pathway consisting of three courses with related standards:

Seckinger High School in Gwinnett County is the state’s first AI-themed high school, part of a cluster including three elementary schools and a feeder middle school.


Georgia participated in the AI4K12 project funded by the NSF (Award DRL-1846073) with the joint assistance of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA).


AI is briefly mentioned in Kentucky’s 2018 K-12 Computer Science Standards (H-AP-12). It is not mentioned in the K-12 Standards for Technology.


KY courses that include a reference to AI:

  • Computational Thinking
  • Cyber Literacy I
  • Cyber Science
  • Developing a Cloud Presence
  • Intro to Digital Game Graphics
  • Intro to Programming
  • Object-Oriented Programming

Kentucky’s K-12 Computer Science Comprehensive Plan (2021) does not explicitly mention AI.


Kentucky’s 6-year education technology master plan for 2018-2024 does not appear to mention AI.


Louisiana’s Jump Start IT pathway does not include AI.


“As of now, the LDOE has not issued any official specific guidance on AI. Currently the school systems are deciding their own policies based on need.”


On October 11, 2023, the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education received CSEAC’s report and directed the LDOE to begin the process of creating a state plan for computer science education. CSEAC meeting materials do not appear to include AI.


AI is mentioned in Maryland’s K-12 Computer Science Standards in relation to algorithms.


In April 2020, as part of its Perkins V plan, the state announced that it would develop new programs in artificial intelligence and cloud computing.


Edmentum’s Artificial Intelligence course was approved for use as an online credit-bearing student course (2023-24).


Maryland participated in the AI4K12 project funded by the NSF (Award DRL-1846073) with the joint assistance of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA).


Mississippi adopted K-12 computer science standards in 2018 based on the Computer Science Teachers Association standards. Artificial Intelligence is included in AP.3B standards related to algorithms and programming as well as IC.3B.4 standards related to the ethical use of software.


Approved secondary courses that may include AI-related topics are:

  • Exploring Computer Science
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • AP Computer Science A
  • Software Development
  • Information Technology
  • Simulation, Animation, & Design
  • Other Programming Languages

North Carolina

The state’s Computer Science standards are derived from the original Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) national standards and have gone through the adoption process outlined in SBE Policy SCOS-012. Standards ICS-AP-02 and HS-CS-01 explicitly address AI.


The SBE approved the list of high school courses satisfying Computer Science graduation requirement starting in school year 2024-2025. One course, CA10 – Artificial Intelligence I – explicitly addresses AI. Many other courses include AI-related content.


The Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education (CSITT) content area discipline explicitly includes Artificial Intelligence and Robotics as a programmatic area.


“The State’s Digital Learning Plan encourages the safe use of innovative technology to prepare students for future school and work to improve student outcomes and support appropriate use of technology to advance learning. The Office of Digital Learning housed within the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, NCDPI, also supports educators in using AI safely to improve student engagement and offers training on how to employ technologies using methods that prevent plagiarism, etc.”


North Carolina participated in the AI4K12 project funded by the NSF (Award DRL-1846073) with the joint assistance of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA).


Oklahoma’s 2023 Academic Standards for K-12 Computer Science include standards L2.AP.A.01 and L2.AP.A.02, which explicitly reference AI in relation to algorithms.


The Computer Science State Program Area is housed under the STEM Career Pathway. The only course that explicitly mentions AI in its description is 8871 Python; however, the state’s AP CS courses and other programming, advanced technology and engineering courses may also include AI-related content.

South Carolina

The state adopted K-12 computer science standards in 2018. The High School standards explicitly mention AI in standard HS2.IC.4.1.


The Office of Career and Technical Education and Student Transitions Services partnered with SREB and SC Competes to develop a statewide framework and standards for Artificial Intelligence. It includes five themes:

  • Computing Systems
  • Data and Analytics
  • Algorithms and Programming
  • Impacts of Computing
  • Security and Privacy

The state is currently developing a new Artificial Intelligence pathway for high school students.


The state’s approved courses that satisfy the Computer Science graduation requirement (Activity Coding System for the Student Information System 2022-23) lists many courses that could potentially include AI-related content.


South Carolina participated in the AI4K12 project funded by the NSF (Award DRL-1846073) with the joint assistance of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA).


The state adopted K-12 Computer Science Standards in 2022. These standards do not include an explicit mention of Artificial Intelligence.


Under Chapter 979 of the Public Acts of 2022, codified at ICA 49-1-232, all public elementary, middle and high school students must have access to computer science coursework and resources, and provides teachers with a no-cost route to earn a CS endorsement and participate in professional development. Beginning in 2024-2025, all high school students must take at least one course in CS education. Approved courses may include some AI-related content:

  • IB CS
  • Cambridge CS
  • Dual enrollment CS
  • Computer Science
  • AP CSP
  • AP CS A
  • CS Foundations
  • Coding I, II, and Practicum
  • Cybersecurity I, II, and Practicum
    Mobile App Development

The state’s Computer science website offers data and resources on computer science instruction but does not appear to explicitly mention artificial intelligence.


Texas adopted the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Fundamentals of Computer Science for K-8 and high school in 2022. The high school standards explicitly mention artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of the Cybersecurity Capstone. The standards for teachers reference applied AI in 6.37s.


The state’s Programming and Software Development CTE program of study does not explicitly mention artificial intelligence, but multiple courses in the pathway likely reference AI, including: Fundamentals of CS, AP CSP, CS I, II and III, AP CS A, IB CS, Discrete Math for CS, Advanced Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity Capstone, etc.


Texas participated in the AI4K12 project funded by the NSF (Award DRL-1846073) with the joint assistance of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA).


Virginia adopted the Computer Science Standards of Learning and Curriculum Framework for K-12 in 2017. These standards were submitted to the Virginia Board of Education for review and revision on March 23, 2023.


Neither the 2017 Standards nor the Curriculum Framework explicitly reference artificial intelligence.


The 2020 list of approved CS courses includes courses that may reference AI:

  • AP CS A (10157)
  • AP CS Principles (10019)
  • CS Principles (10011)
  • CS Foundations (10020)
  • CS Programming (10021)
  • IB CS (10159)
  • Programming (10152) 
  • Advanced Programming (10152)
  • Software Engineering Essentials -PLTW (10015)  
  • Software Engineering -PLTW (10015)

Virginia participated in the AI4K12 project funded by the NSF (Award DRL-1846073) with the joint assistance of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA).

West Virginia

The state adopted the West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Technology and Computer Science, in 2019. Standard CS.MW.37 mentions artificial intelligence and robotics.


The state’s K-12 Computer Science Plan (revised 2022) does not explicitly reference artificial intelligence, however, high school computer science courses that may include references to AI are: AP CSP, AP CS A, CS & Information Systems, IB CS, PLTW CS, etc.



AI Education or Workforce Policy


SB78, Act No. 2021-344 established the Alabama Council on Advanced Technology and Artificial Intelligence to review and advise the Governor, the Legislature, and other interested parties on the use and development of advanced technology and artificial intelligence. (Enacted, 4/2021)


HB187 makes appropriations for the support, maintenance and development of public education in the state, for debt service, and for capital outlay for the upcoming fiscal year, including funds for artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and STEM enhancements. (Enacted, 2020)*


SJR62 recognizes the technology industry and emerging sectors’ impact on state’s economy. (Failed, 2020)*


SB656 creates the Data Sharing and Data Driven Decision-Making Task Force. The task force shall recommend funding mechanisms to support the use of statewide data sharing, including without limitation data analytics, machine learning, and innovative technologies to link data between agencies, to support data driven decision making for all state agencies. (Enacted, 2019)*


HB333 would create the Delaware Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) Commission. This Commission shall be tasked with making recommendations to the General Assembly and Department of Technology and Information on AI utilization and safety within the State of Delaware. The Commission shall additionally conduct an inventory of all Generative AI usage within Delaware’s executive, legislative, and judicial agencies and identify high risk areas for the implementation of Generative AI. (Introduced 01/2024)


SB195 directed the state Department of Education to develop media literacy standards, but these don’t explicitly mention AI (Approved, 08/2022).

HCR7, the Artificial Intelligence Resolution, recognizes the possible life-changing impact the rise of robotics, automation and artificial intelligence will have on Delawareans and encourages all branches of state government to implement plans to minimize the adverse effects of the rise of such technology. (Adopted, 2019)*


SB1344 provides that state academic standards include computer science skills; requiring K-12 public schools to provide computer science instruction; requiring the department to publish specified information on its website relating to computer science education and certain industry certifications; requiring the department to adopt and publish by a specified date a strategic plan for computer science education; creating the AI in Education Task Force within the department, etc. (Introduced 01/2024)


HB483 revises provisions & provides requirements for computer science in K-12 schools; revises provisions relating to weighted GPA calculations for certain courses; revises provisions relating to Bright Futures Scholarship Program; & establishes Artificial Intelligence in Education Task Force. (Introduced 11/2023)


SB972 Creating the Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council within the Department of Management Services; requiring the department to provide administrative support to the council, etc.; requiring each state agency to prepare and submit, by a specified date and using money appropriated by the Legislature, an inventory report for all automated decision systems that are being developed, used, or procured by the agency; providing legislative intent; prohibiting a county or a municipality or a political subdivision thereof from regulating the private and public use of AI systems, etc. (Introduced 01/2024)†


HR381, a resolution honoring the inaugural year of Seckinger High School and its innovative artificial intelligence education; and for other purposes. (Introduced 03/2023)


HB887, an Act to amend Article 1 of Chapter 24 of Title 33 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to general provisions regarding insurance, so as to prohibit the use of artificial intelligence in making certain decisions regarding insurance coverage; etc. (Introduced 01/2024)


SB52 would create a new section of KRS Chapter 156 to make legislative findings and declarations and establish the Artificial Intelligence in Kentucky’s Schools project, establish requirements for the Kentucky Department of Education to implement the project, require the department to design professional development trainings related to artificial intelligence, establish professional development requirement for teachers, administrators, school council members, and school board members, require the trainings be made available to nonpublic schools, require school districts to adopt policies and procedures related to artificial intelligence, require school districts to submit annual report to the department, allow nonpublic schools to voluntarily submit a report, require the department to compile the individual reports and submit a statewide report to the Interim Joint Committee on Education and the Legislative Oversight and Investigations Committee; create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to make legislative findings and declarations and establish the Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education project, require the Council on Postsecondary Education to establish an Artificial Intelligence Working Group to provide advice and information to the state’s postsecondary institutions, etc. (Introduced 01/2024)†


Louisiana Act 541 (2022), the Computer Science Education Act, establishes the Computer Science Education Advisory Commission to provide recommendations to the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for the development and implementation of a state action plan for the delivery of education in computer science in all public schools.


Executive Order 01.01.2024.02 on Catalyzing the Responsible and Productive Use of Artificial Intelligence in Maryland State Government. This order also establishes an AI Subcabinet that will develop and implement a comprehensive AI action plan to operationalize the State’s AI principles and create appropriate “guard rails” for agencies’ use of AI. The AI Subcabinet will also promote AI knowledge, skills, and talent in state government.


SB127 would require the Maryland Center for School Safety, in collaboration with in collaboration with public safety agencies, the State Department of Education, local school systems, the University System of Maryland, and other public institutions of higher education in the State, to conduct an evaluation of firearm detection platforms; and authorizing funds from the Safe Schools Fund to be used to assist local school systems in the procurement and maintenance of firearm detection platforms. (Introduced 01/2024)


HB622 establishes a grant program that funds small and medium-sized businesses that will implement “Industry 4.0 Technology,” which includes AI. (Effective 10/2023)***


H1034 to establish an AI Impact Advisory Board. (Introduced 02/2023)***


H1068 to create a Commission on Responsible AI in Maryland. (Introduced 02/2023)***


HB1359 called for the establishment of a Technology and Science Advisory Commission to advise state agencies on technology and science developments, make recommendations on the use of developing technologies, review and make recommendations on algorithmic decision systems employed by state agencies, and create a framework to address the ethics of emerging technologies to avoid systemic harm and bias (introduced 02/11/2022, failed)*,**


HB658 / SB444 establishes the Workgroup to Study the Transformation of Manufacturing in Maryland’s Emerging Digital Economy; provides for the composition, chair, and staffing of the work group; requires the work group to study and make recommendations regarding certain matters relating to the state’s current and future workforce and emerging digital economy. (Enacted 2021)*


SB2062, an Act To Enact The Artificial Intelligence In Education Task Force Act For The Purpose Of Evaluating Potential Applications Of Artificial Intelligence In K-12 And Higher Education And To Develop Policy Recommendations For Responsible And Effective Uses By Students And Educators; To Establish The Task Force Membership Requirements And Appointment Criteria; To Provide The Duties And Responsibilities Of The Task Force, Including That The Task Force Provide Recommendations For Incorporating Ai Into Educational Standards; To Require The Task Force To Make Recommendations On Strategies That Create Opportunities For Fostering Collaboration Throughout The Educational Landscape; To Require The Task Force To Submit Reports To The Governor, Lieutenant Governor And Speaker Of The House; To Provide The Date That The Task Force Shall Dissolve; And For Related Purposes. (Introduced 01/2024)


HB633, the Mississippi Computer Science and Cyber Education Equality Act, directed the State Department of Education to implement a K-12 computer science curriculum including instruction in artificial intelligence and machine learning (Effective 7/2021)**

North Carolina

S460 would establish a committee to study automation and the workforce. (Introduced 04/2023)***


G.S.115C-12(9d). Computer Science amended G.S.115C-12(9d) to require the State Board of Education to include instruction in Computer Science in the standard course of study for middle and high school students. G.S.115C-12(9d) was adopted by the North Carolina Legislature on September 21, 2023, and was signed into law on September 29, 2023.


HB3827, an Act relating to schools; directing the State Department of Education to make available certain artificial intelligence programs; directing Department to provide certain trainings, workshops, and courses; directing Dept. to facilitate certain partnerships; mandating the integration of certain concepts in school curricula; directing for development of certain education modules; clarifying preference for certain learning and experience; creating the Oklahoma Artificial Intelligence Education Revolving Fund; etc. (Introduced 1/2024)†


70 O.S. § 11-103.6m states that beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, all Oklahoma public elementary and middle schools and public elementary and middle charter schools will be required to offer instruction aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Computer Science (OAS-CS). This statute also states that all public high schools and public charter high schools must offer at least one standalone computer science course.  


HB3293, an Act relating to artificial intelligence technology; creating the Oklahoma Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024; etc. (No specifics on what it will contain; introduced 01/2024)

South Carolina

SB404 would prohibit targeted advertising using automated decision making for a user under 18. It would require the platform to perform age verification to ensure the user is 18 or older. (Introduced 01/2023)†


SB1711 requires the governing board of each public institution of higher education to promulgate rules and requires each local board of education and governing body of a public charter school to adopt a policy, regarding the use of artificial intelligence technology by students, teachers, faculty, and staff for instructional and assignment purposes. – Amends TCA Title 49. (Introduced 01/2024)


SB1651 requires the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations to conduct a study on approaches to the regulation of artificial intelligence and submit a report of such study, including recommended legislative approaches, to the speakers of each house and the legislative librarian no later than January 1, 2025. (Introduced 01/2024)


HB1630 requires the governing board of each public institution of higher education to promulgate rules and requires each local board of education and governing body of a public charter school to adopt a policy, regarding the use of artificial intelligence technology by students, teachers, faculty, and staff for instructional and assignment purposes. – Amends TCA Title 49. (Introduced 01/2024)


HB214 / SB875 creates an advisory task force of farmers and foresters to lead a strategic planning process and resulting implementation plan to position this state as a leading hub for AgTech and value-added agriculture. (Failed 2021)*


HB2060, the Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council, will study the effects of AI and report findings to the legislature. (Effective 06/2023)***


H3633 would establish a committee to decide whether to establish a program that would train individuals in the workforce on the use of AI. (Introduced 03/2023, left pending in committee 04/2023)***,


HB18 relating to the protection of minors from harmful, deceptive, or unfair trade practices in connection with the use of certain digital services and electronic devices, including the use and transfer of electronic devices to students by a public school. (Effective 06/2023)


Executive Directive Number 5 (2023) seeks to ensure responsible, ethical, and transparent use of AI, which will cultivate targeted, innovative uses of this expanding technology in the Commonwealth. It focuses inquiry on four key areas to ensure proper use of AI by state government, including legal protections, policy standards, IT safeguards, and K-12 and higher education implications. The VADOE, State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, and IHEs are developing a plan to:

  • Promote guidelines for the use of Al tools which would impact learning and prohibit cheating on schoolwork.
  • Examine the potential uses of AI tools for personalized tutoring, especially in K-12.
  • Include Al-related topics within technology, computer science and data analytics courses in K-12 and higher education to ensure students are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a rapidly changing world.
  • Examine efforts to include Al technologies in workforce.
  • Ensure that Virginia’s K-12 students are prepared for future careers that involve AI technologies, including partnerships with community colleges, workforce development programs and industry associations.
  • Support opportunities for Virginia colleges and universities to contribute to Al research and training, through collaborations with other academic institutions, private companies and government agencies.

SB563 makes several changes relating to graduation from a public high school in the Commonwealth, including (i) eliminating the requirement for a student to complete one virtual course in order to graduate from high school and (ii) specifying that various options and requirements relating to earning career and technical education credentials for the purpose of satisfying high school graduation requirements are required to be high-demand career and technical education credentials. The bill also defines and thereby distinguishes the concepts of dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment in the context of high school students’ participation in college-level coursework and requires the agreements for postsecondary attainment between school boards and comprehensive community colleges to specify the credit available for dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment courses. (Introduced 01/2024)



HB1051, as above, re: Public education; dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment; high school graduation. (Introduced 01/2024)


SB385 requires the Board of Education, in collaboration with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, to convene a work group to study and make recommendations on guidelines for the use and integration of AI technology in education in public elementary and secondary schools and public institutions of higher education. The bill requires the work group to submit a report on its findings and recommendations to the Department of Education, the Governor, the Senate Committee on Education and Health, and the House Committee on Education by November 1, 2024. (Introduced 01/2024)


SJR14 directs the Joint Commission on Technology and Science to study advancements in artificial intelligence, including assessing (i) the impacts of deep fakes, data privacy implications, and misinformation; (ii) measures to ensure these technologies do not indirectly or directly lead to discrimination; (iii) strategies to promote equity in AI algorithms; and (iv) ways in which AI can be used to improve government operations and services, and to make recommendations on any appropriate legislation for consideration by the General Assembly. (Introduced 01/2024)


SB621 creates the Commission on Artificial Intelligence to advise the Governor on issues related to artificial intelligence and make advisory recommendations based on its findings. (Introduced 01/2024)


HB747 creates operating standards for developers and deployers, as those terms are defined in the bill, relating to artificial intelligence, including (i) avoiding certain risks, (ii) protecting against discrimination, (iii) providing disclosures, and (iv) conducting impact assessments and provides that the Office of the Attorney General shall enforce the provisions of the bill. (Introduced 01/2024)


HB858 addressed economic development and incentives to attract knowledge workers, including income tax deductions and tax credits for individuals with artificial intelligence and machine learning skills among others (Introduced 01/2022; left in finance 02/2022)*

West Virginia

HR3 creates a Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence. (Passed 01/2024)


HB2760 relates to economic development incentive tax credits; authorizes credit for the creation of a specified number of jobs under certain circumstances; terminates small business credit after a certain date; eliminates credit to business franchise tax; authorizes certain manufacturing activities to qualify for high technology manufacturing tax credit; limits certain multiple tax credits for the same qualified investment; eliminates prevailing wage requirement for certain additional credit. (Enacted 2021)*



IHE-Based AI Centers, Research Labs and Initiatives (Selected)



Auburn University:

Teaching with AI

Auburn University AI Initiative

SEC Consortium on AI and Data Science


Auburn University at Montgomery AI Research Laboratory


Alabama Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (AAICE; a public-private partnership including Alabama State University, Auburn University, Southern Union State Community College, Talladega College, Trenholm State Community College, Central Alabama Community College and Tuskegee University)


Alabama A&M University:

Alabama A&M University Student Research on AI

AI Learning Alliance

Sandia Partnership with AAMU on AI Cage

AAMU and Meharry AI Biases Research


University of Alabama AI Teaching Enhancement Initiative


Alabama Commission on Higher Education Artificial Intelligence in Alabama Higher Education Symposium


Center for No-Boundary Thinking at Arkansas State University

AI-Campus at Arkansas State training for undergraduates through junior faculty


University of Arkansas research: Trustworthy & Responsible AI


University of Delaware:

AI Center of Excellence

Working Group on AI for Teaching and Learning


University of Florida:

Nvidia AI Technology Center at UF, a joint initiative with the University of Florida; combined with the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute training programs at UF on practical applications of AI

Artificial Intelligence Academic Initiative Center (AI2) at UF (cross-departmental AI and data science research initiative)

UF Health and AI – academic hub for trustworthy AI in health science


Institute for Artificial Intelligence + X at the University of South Florida


Miami Dade College AI Center


Georgia Tech:

Tech AI, the AI Hub at Georgia Tech

Georgia Institute of Technology Center for Machine Learning

Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute

NSF-funded AI Institute for Collaborative Assistance and Responsive Interaction for Networked Groups

Georgia Tech: NSF-funded AI Institute for Advances in Optimization


University of Georgia:

Institute for Artificial Intelligence


Emory University:

AI Humanity Initiative


Georgia Research Alliance: AI Institute for Adult Learning and Online Education (University of Georgia; Augusta University; Emory University; Clark Atlanta University; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia State University; Mercer University; Morehouse School of Medicine; Technical College Systems of Georgia)


Georgia College & State University AI Lab at the J. Whitney Bunting College of Business & Technology


Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence at the University of Kentucky Institute for Biomedical Informatics


University of Kentucky: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine


Proposed NSF-funded Industry University Cooperative Research center: Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence (University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Stony Brook University, the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, and an international site at Tampere University in Finland)


LSU has a portfolio of research on AI with 180+ faculty working across diverse fields.


UMBC and State of Maryland:

Maryland Institute for Innovative Computing


University of Maryland:

Artificial Intelligence Interdisciplinary Institute at Maryland (AIM)

Center for Machine Learning

Center for Automation Research


Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security

Institute for Health Computing

Human-Computer Interaction Lab

Mixed/Augmented/Virtual/Reality Community (MAVRIC)

NSF Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law & Society (TRAILS)


University of Maryland, Baltimore County Center for Artificial Intelligence


Johns Hopkins University:

Applied Physics Laboratory

Alliance for Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Treatment Innovation

Artificial Intelligence & Technology Collaboratory for Aging Research

Artificial Intelligence Society at Johns Hopkins (hopAI)

Berman Institute of Bioethics

Center on Artificial Intelligence for Materials in Extreme Environments

Center for Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence 

Center for Global Digital Health Innovation 

Center for Imaging Science 

Center for Language and Speech Processing 

Center for Population Health Information Technology 

Data Science and AI Institute

Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute 

Institute for Assured Autonomy 

Institute for Clinical & Translational Research Informatics Core 

Institute for Computational Medicine 

Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science
Intelligent Systems Center 

Laboratory for Computational Sensing + Robotics 

Institute in Critical Quantitative, Computational, & Mixed Methodologies
JHU + Amazon Initiative for Interactive AI 

JHU Machine Learning Group 

Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare 

Mathematical Institute for Data Science 

Scientific Software Engineering Center


Mississippi State University:

Predictive Analytics and Technology Integration Lab

Artificial Intelligence Research Lab

STARS Social Robotics Lab

REPTOR Robotics Lab


University of Mississippi:

Center for Intelligence and Security Studies

National Center for Narrative Intelligence


University of Southern Mississippi: Institute for Advanced Analytics and Security

North Carolina

A partnership of North Carolina State University, Indiana University, Vanderbilt University, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, and educational non-profit Digital Promise: NSF-funded Artificial Intelligence Institute for Engaged Learning


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University: Center for Trustworthy AI (CTA)


Duke University, NC A&T, and MIT: NSF- and DHS-funded AI Institute for Edge Computing Leveraging Next Generation Networks (ATHENA)


University of North Carolina Charlotte: AI Institute for Smarter Learning


The AI Project at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Wake Forest University: Center for Artificial Intelligence Research


North Carolina Central University: The Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and Equity Research


University of Oklahoma:

NSF-funded AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate and Coastal Oceanography


AI4Networks Research Center


University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center: Occupational and Environmental Health & Artificial Intelligence (OEH-AI) Lab

South Carolina

Twenty-two four-year and 16 two-year South Carolina institutions of higher education currently offer degrees and coursework in AI or a closely related program.ˆ


University of South Carolina:

Artificial Intelligence Institute


Clemson University Artificial Intelligence Research Institute for Science and Engineering (AIRISE)


Clemson University and the Medical University of South Carolina: Clemson-MUSC AI Hub


Other university-linked partnerships: SC Competes (the South Carolina Council on Competitiveness) launched the Palmetto AI Corridor to connect and grow the communication and influence among state business leaders and AI professionals. Its education-related initiatives include AI Summer Camps with the College of Charleston and Trident Technical College and a Data Science and AI initiative with Winthrop University and Delta Bravo AI.


SC Competes also hosted an AI Rapid Innovation Lab that included The Citadel, USC, MUSC, Clemson, and Trident Tech.


University of Tennessee at Knoxville: AI Tennessee Initiative

University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute (UT-ORII)

Innovative Computing Laboratory


Tennessee State University: SMART Innovative Technologies Division


University of Tennessee Chattanooga: Center for Urban Informatics and Progress


Meharry Medical University: Partnering with Alabama A&M on Artificial Intelligence Research


Tennessee Tech University: Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning


University of Memphis: Institute for Intelligent Systems


Vanderbilt University: NSF-funded AI Institute for Engaged Learning (with Indiana University, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC State, and Digital Promise)


Texas A&M Institute of Data Science Urban Artificial Intelligence Lab


University of Texas Austin:

NSF-funded AI Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning

Machine Learning Laboratory

Intelligent Systems Group

AI Health Lab

AI and Human-Centered Computing Lab

Critical Data Studies Lab

Human-AI Interaction Lab
Immersive Human Development Lab

Information eXperience Lab (IX)

Kilgarlin Information Preservation Lab

Research on Equity, Access and Inclusion in Technology and Society (REALITY) Lab


University of Texas Dallas: Center for Applied AI and Machine Learning


University of Texas Arlington: Center for Artificial Intelligence and Big Data


Virginia Tech:

Artificial Intelligence Frontier

Sanghani Center for Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics

DOD-funded Virginia Tech National Security Institute

Ted and Karyn Hume Center for National Security and Technology

Virginia Tech Applied Research Corporation

AI3 Lab

AI & Cyber for Water & Ag Lab


Virginia Commonwealth:

AI Futures Lab


University of Virginia School of Medicine:

AI Laboratory of Protein Engineering


University of Virginia:

Human-AI Technology Lab

Link Lab

Center for Research in Intelligent Storage and Processing in Memory

Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems

Center for Visual and Decision Informatics

Center for Transportation Studies

Center for Automata Processing

Commonwealth Center for Advanced Logistics Systems (CCALS)

Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM)

Environmental Resilience Institute

NSF I/UCRC Center for Laser & Plasma For Advanced Manufacturing (LAM)

Multi-Functional Integrated System Technology (MIST) Center

nanoSTAR Institute


Old Dominion University:

High-Performance Computing

Center for Real-Time Computing
Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics


Web Science & Digital Libraries


George Mason:

Center for Assurance Research and Engineering

Center of Excellence in Command, Control, Communications, Computing, and Intelligence (C4I)

George Mason University International Cyber Center

Learning Agents Center

Autonomous Robotics Laboratory

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Group

Computational Biology Laboratory

Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory

Computer and Networking Systems Laboratory

Computational Reality, Creativity and Graphics Lab (CraGL)

Data Mining and Machine Learning Laboratory

Design Computing and Extended Reality Group (DCXR)

DYNAmic, RigOrous, and Automated Reasoning Systems Lab (DynaROARS)

Imaging and Vision Lab

Laboratory for the Study and Simulation of Human Movement

Machine Learning in Biomedical Informatics Laboratory

Machine Learning and Optimization Lab

Measurable Security Laboratory

Motion and Shape Computing Group

Natural Language Processing Group

RobotiXX Lab

West Virginia

West Virginia University:

Public Interest Communication Research Laboratory

NSF-funded Bridges in Digital Health

Biometrics and Identification Innovation Center

AI and Health Collaborative

NSA/DHS Center for Excellence in Information Assurance Education

West Virginia Robotic Technology Center(WVRTC) 

WV Nano Initiative

WVU RAIL (radio astronomy)

WVU Institute for Combinatorial Computing and Discrete Mathematics

* National Conference of State Legislatures. (2023). Legislation Related to Artificial Intelligence.
** Electronic Privacy Information Center. (2022). The State of State AI Policy (2021-22 Legislative Session).
*** Electronic Privacy Information Center. (2023). The State of State AI Policy (2022-23 Legislative Session).
† Legiscan. (2024).
‡ Center for Reinventing Public Education. (2023). AI State Education Department Response Database. Last updated October 2023.
ˆ Southern Regional Education Board. (2022). South Carolina Artificial Intelligence Training Review.