Professional Development Matching Fund
DSP has set aside a special fund to encourage research and further scholars’ professional development as doctoral candidates. Early practice in standing before professional peers to describe and articulate investigations in an academic discipline contributes to a scholar’s skills and abilities as a future faculty member.
SREB will match up to $500 of a department’s full contribution toward certain costs incurred by scholars presenting at professional meetings. The total reimbursed to a department from SREB may not exceed $500 in any one academic year. Covered costs are limited to travel, parking, lodging, meals and meeting registration fees.
In the event the department contributes less than full funding, SREB will instead reimburse the scholar up to 50 percent of out-of-pocket expenses, not to exceed $500 in any one academic year. Funding may be applied to more than one professional meeting in an academic year, for a maximum of three years during the scholar’s matriculation (one-year maximum for dissertation year fellowship recipients).
Scholars must submit an Advanced Pre-Application for Funds form 30 days advance of the conference presentation. Scholars must also submit a Professional Development Reimbursement Form and original receipts within 30 days following the conference presentation. Forms received after this date will not be considered.