Resource for teaching and learning amid COVID-19


We have compiled resources for educators, districts and states on topics including online teaching, district planning, students with disabilities, school counseling and more.

Resources from Virtual Schools 

Virtual Schools in SREB States, links to the region’s statewide online learning sites

From Georgia Virtual Learning, student courses and teacher training, available free to all

Georgia Department of Education digital learning resources

Strategies for Teaching Online

Helping teachers and students make the switch to remote learning, from Microsoft

Strategies for e-learning webinar recording from the State Educational Technology Directors Association (recorded on March 17, 2021)

The Technical College System of Georgia partnered with SkillsCommons and MERLOT to create a free online resource to help both teachers and students prepare to start teaching and learning online.

Teach Your Course Online is designed to help teachers quickly set up a home teaching space, select and set up a camera, microphone, lighting and all other gear they need to teach and to create a safe and effective online class culture.

Online Learning Resources

These websites provide free resources that can be accessed by teachers, parents and students. Many include specific guidance on ways to use their materials amid school closures caused by COVID-19. brings together content from a diverse group of companies to help students, teachers and families find free and reliable educational resources. Developed by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit provides education and entertainment recommendations for kids and their parents, with help from dozens of partners. 

Going 3-D with Gather, Reason, Communicate framework website. This site is a collection of vetted, three-dimensional lessons aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and state standards developed from the Framework for K-12 Science Education. The lessons were developed by teachers across districts and states utilizing local phenomena.


School Counseling and Mental Health

Tips and guidelines for parents, counselors and mental health professionals on talking to children, crisis response, countering stigma and more, from the National Association of School Psychologists

Making Schools Work Conference featured speakers Joe Hendershott, Ed.D., and Dardi Hendershott, Certified Wellness Coach, of Hope 4 the Wounded, LLC, encourage teachers and school leaders to visit their website to access free podcasts, webinars and articles on how to help wounded students and support educators.

College Admissions Process

As a service to students and families, National Association of College Admissions Counselors has created an online tool that is a central resource on changes to the college admission process due to the coronavirus outbreak. The tool includes information from colleges and universities nationwide on campus closures, deposit deadlines, and other admission-related changes.

Financial Aid
Federal Student Aid’s website includes information for students and parents, such as whether students can keep financial aid if their campus is closed and loan repayment questions.

Planning for Closures and Continued Learning

Guidance for Schools and School Closures from CDC

Practical actions to prepare for continued student learning. An overview of models, plus guiding questions and concrete actions from Instruction Partners

EveryoneOn provides information on free and low cost internet to help low-income students and families access to online education.

The COVID-19 slide: What summer learning loss can tell us about the potential impact of school closures on student academic achievement from NWEA

Students with Disabilities

Educating All Learners Alliance – To help ensure the continuity of special education services during remote instruction and to spotlight best practice approaches for schools and educators, an alliance of national education organizations has come together to ensure equity for all learners

Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Outbreak (U.S. Department of Education, March 12)

Website accessibility and online education, a March 17 webinar from USDOE Office of Civil Rights 

Tips from Chalkbeat

Accountability and Assessment

Resources on assessment and accountability from the Center for Assessment


Federal Guidance and Action

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
U.S. Department of Education

Federal Education Recovery Funds  - SREB’s analysis of the education funds in the three Federal COVID-19 relief packages.


State Department of Education Resource Pages









Mississippi Learning at Home Resources

North Carolina


South Carolina




West Virginia