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Reading in the Early Grades
How can we ensure reading proficiency by the end of third grade?
It’s no secret that reading skills are essential for success, both as a student and later in life. And educators know that reading proficiently by the end of third grade is crucial to students’ continued development. Up until third grade students learn to read; after that, they read to learn. It is paramount that students read proficiently by the end of third grade so they are prepared for later learning.
SREB States Lead the Way on Computer Science Education
Inside InfoSys Foundation's National Computer Science Education Convening
National convening attendees share best practices for increasing access to quality CS learning experiences
Last month I was privileged to participate in InfoSys Foundation’s CrossRoads 2017 convening on computer science and maker education in San Francisco. The convening’s attendee list included state and local government representatives, thought leaders, K-12 educators, postsecondary faculty and not-for-profit computing organizations from across the US — including many SREB states.
Kentucky Students Can Earn Degree Faster With New Nursing Career Pathway
Most if not all SREB states have a serious, unmet need for registered nurses with Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees — the preferred credential of many health-care providers. Here’s how Kentucky health-care industry leaders and secondary and postsecondary health educators designed a new, 120-credit hour nursing career pathway in a state where the pathway from high school to the BSN could take up to 168 credit hours — 48 costly excess hours.
Out-of-state education at in-state tuition rates: A student’s experience with the Academic Common Market
Here’s a tricky scenario many rising college students face: The degree program they want to pursue is not available in their state, and out-of-state tuition is not affordable. Many are seeking postsecondary options with lower tuition.
SREB’s Academic Common Market helps students pursue out-of-state college degrees at in-state tuition rates from more than 1,900 undergrad and grad degree programs in 15 states. And SREB has been doing this for over 35 years.
20 Tips to Survive Graduate School
The Ph.D. journey is full of twists and turns that are easier to navigate with guidance from those who have already walked the path. We asked DSP scholars and Institute attendees to submit graduate school survival tips for those who are still on the journey.
Set goals and balance your time
1. Begin with the end in mind. Have a sense of where you want to be when you graduate and take steps to make sure you are properly prepared when you reach that goal.
Adult School Culture
"When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment... not the flower."
I’d like to tell you a story. It’s an important one for all of us who care about public education. I used to teach elementary school. At the end of my first year of teaching, I wasn’t happy with the school where I worked. So, I decided to explore beginning my second year of teaching somewhere else.
Accelerating Postsecondary Attainment – in High School
Gene Bottoms explains why and how the new High Schools That Work model gives seniors a head start on a credential or degree.
Since the 1970s, the educational and economic landscapes of the United States have undergone seismic shifts along the fault line of postsecondary attainment.
Preparing Students for Tomorrow’s Challenges
Preparing students for good-paying, middle-class jobs in the 21st-century economy is going to take more innovation, creativity, steadfastness and hard work on the part of schools, principals, teachers, counselors and students. A new approach to education is needed to prepare students for new technology, rising workplace requirements and stiffer competition.
Readiness Courses Are Making a Difference
Students Increase ACT Scores Significantly
High school seniors who take SREB’s Literacy Ready and Math Ready courses can substantially increase their readiness for college. We analyzed ACT scores of students in two states – before and after they took the transitional courses. More than half increased their scores
In Alabama, High School to College Collaboration on Readiness
Community Colleges Partner with K-12 Schools to Get Ready
Kudos to the Alabama Department of Education and the Alabama Community College System for working together to increase student readiness among the state’s high school graduates.
Alabama is piloting the two SREB Readiness Courses to increase high school seniors’ preparedness for postsecondary studies, and the Alabama Community College System has endorsed the K-12 efforts.
SREB States Lead the Nation in High School Graduation Rates
Graduation rates are up again in states across the nation – and SREB states lead the pack once again in data released this week by the United States Department of Education.
Graduation rates climbed in 11 of the 16 SREB states between the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years. Ten SREB states tied or exceeded the national rate. Three of the SREB states were on the list of top 10 states: Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas.
SREB’s Advanced Career: Investing in Tomorrow’s Workforce
Originally published on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation blog.
Over the past decade there has been
widespread agreement that increasing student access to advanced
coursework is a good thing. It is good not only because it raises
the rigor of their education, but also because it promotes access
to college and helps students get a head start.
Passing the Monday Morning Test
Maryland and Oklahoma Share Insights About the Ins and Outs of Program Implementation
Last month, we shared a run-through of the work by Maryland and Oklahoma to better prepare principals. When I was teaching first grade, many times I participated in professional development sessions that left me bursting with ideas and excitement but left me unsure about my ability to effectively execute what I had learned the next week in my classroom.
Broader ACT participation shows readiness gap more clearly
As more and more students take the ACT, we can see more clearly the gap between rising high school graduation rates and lagging college readiness.
Q&A: Advanced Career STEM Pathways
A Learning Experience for Students and Teachers
By Gene Bottoms, SREB senior vice president
What goes on in the Advanced Career classroom? A lot of math. Intense researching and reading. Most importantly, learning. The type of learning that remains in the forefront of students’ minds as they apply it to practical, purposeful projects.
Policy Paves the Way
Delaware's Data Privacy Task Force Gets to Work
Delaware is developing educators through the strategic use of pre-service training. Here’s how the state became poised for action:
Tapping Into Talent
Learning From Maryland's Promising Principals Academy
Sometimes it can be difficult to make the transition from knowing to doing when trying to apply concepts to ground-level practice. This often holds true for many kinds of learners – including students, teachers and even states. State education agencies know that principals play an influential role in the development of effective teachers and schools. But how can states build a strong foundation in order to prepare principals for this influential role? Similarly, practitioners can probably agree that in theory, inter-state collaboration yields great potential for learning. So how can they go about actually engaging in it?
My Powerful LDC Moment
“Metacognition is thinking about your thinking.”
We had just finished a module on Romeo and Juliet, adolescent brain research and decision-making when I was notified of a surprise visit from the state Department of Education.
Four Surprising Takeaways From the MDC Classroom
Why are my students able to answer questions correctly in class but unable to succeed on the assessment?
Visible Leadership Goes Far in Supporting Teacher Growth
Educator Effectiveness Spotlight
At an elementary school in rural Arkansas, principal Rocci Malone works closely with her teachers to set year-long goals and monitor their progress in improving aspects of their teaching.