Online Professional Development Support for Educators
As we enter our second and third
weeks of school closures and social distancing, I am amazed and
proud of our educators. I see school systems scrambling to feed
children. I see teachers preparing lessons, packets and online
resources. I see principals giving weekly messages, reading
bedtime stories online, leading virtual parades and calling every
teacher for weekly check-ins. I see heroes. But to be
quite honest, I saw these heroes before the advent of COVID-19.
Right now, our teachers need extra support.
Just as we know the whole child is important, we also know the whole teacher is important. Supporting — not evaluating — teachers during this “new normal” with professional development, coaching and feedback is crucial.
That’s why I want to share this list of online sources of professional development that was shared with me by LaMonica Harris – resources, support and networks that can help meet our teachers’ needs as teachers and learners.
Today, every single teacher’s problem of practice is “How do we teach our students if we are not in school?” Their solutions will not all be the same.
School leaders, this is a great opportunity to personalize your support for teachers. Ask them what they need or would like to learn about in this new landscape. Allow teachers to choose topics. Encourage them to share their expertise and work together to tackle online learning for their students.
Educators, you’re my heroes. Learning and teaching is what we do here at SREB, too, and we support you.
Professional Development Resources for Teachers