Part-Time Students = 38% of Undergrads
Affordability Commission focuses on needs of adult and part-time students
Part-time college students made up 38 percent of undergraduates
in SREB states by 2013. Many part-time students work to pay their
living expenses as well as tuition, and the more hours they work,
the longer it takes them to finish, on average. Part-timers are
eligible for less financial aid, and they tend to file later,
missing early deadlines.
At the September 2015 meeting of the SREB Commission on College
Affordability in the South, leaders from higher ed systems in
Georgia, Kentucky and West Virginia shared their states’ efforts
for two kinds of part-time students: those of traditional college
age as well as adults returning to postsecondary education. While
they encourage most students to attend full-time, the systems
have devised financial aid programs for part-time students and
targeted outreach to help adults return to complete
The West
Virginia Higher Education Adult Part-Time Student
(HEAPS) grant for example, offers small grants to part-time
students, said Paul Hill, chancellor of the West Virginia Higher
Education Policy Commission. Some other examples of state
financial aid programs for part-time students include Kentucky’s
Go Higher Grant, the Maryland Part-time Grant and the Virginia
Part-Time Assistance Program. The Arkansas Academic Challenge
Scholarship and Go! Grant and the Tennessee Student Assistance
Award are also open to part-time students.
Helping Adults Return to Finish
The panel members also shared information about their states’
programs to encourage adults to complete
credentials. Georgia’s Go Back. Move
Ahead. campaign focuses on helping adults with
college credits return to complete their degrees, with support
and counseling targeted to the needs of working adults. Flexible
and lower-cost online schedules and textbooks are key components,
as is outreach to military families
“We know we can’t meet our workforce goals unless we reach
returning adults,” said University System of Georgia Chancellor
Hank Huckaby. “Go Back. Move Ahead. removes some of the mystery
of going back to school.”
“It’s not that these adults don’t know the importance of a
college degree,” said Houston Davis, executive vice chancellor
and chief academic officer for the University System of Georgia.
“They get it. What they don’t know is how.”
“The vast majority of returning adults are going to be part time,
and we have to embrace their needs,” said Davis.
In Kentucky, Project Graduate has been
giving students a second chance to finish their degrees since
2007. Targeting students with at least 80 credit hours, the
program assigns an advocate to help navigate paperwork and
academic advising, and it waives application fees.
“Convenience is critically important to adult students,” said Bob
King, president of the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary
Education. Project Graduate offers “the whole panoply of student
support services available by 800 number and
Following on the success of the Kentucky Community and Technical
College System’s Learn on
Demand program, Commonwealth College will offer
online completion programs for high-demand four-year degrees such
as advanced manufacturing and healthcare management.