SREB’s Counseling for Careers and College
program offers an organized program of academic and
career counseling and structured learning experiences that helps
students and parents envision a successful future and achieve
their potential.
With its strong focus on parent, community and employer
partnerships, C4CC connects real career opportunities with
academic, technical and workplace knowledge and skills and the
personal qualities that ensure career success.
C4CC also helps students stay on track with the courses they need
to achieve their goals.
Customizable Services
Workshops, materials and coaching services support districts and
schools in creating advisement systems in which counselors and
teachers co-plan assignments and hands-on learning experiences
that encourage students to identify their interests and aptitudes
and explore careers.
Starting in the eighth grade, students and parents meet with
counselors and teachers to make, review and revise personalized
programs of study that organize course work around students’
goals. Teachers work with the same cohort of advisees from year
to year, strengthening students’ sense of their school family.
Students also receive help finding resources for further
C4CC works with middle grades schools and high schools to:
- Expand relationships with community and employer partners
- Develop career exploratory courses or modules
- Plan field trips, career fairs, job shadows and internships
- Offer aptitude and interest inventories
- Keep parents, students and teachers informed about careers
and financial support for postsecondary education
C4CC is an integral component of SREB’s Making Schools Work school
improvement process.