SREB Commission on Career Pathways and Credentials
Nick Moore, Education Policy Advisor &
Coordinator Governor’s Office of Education and Workforce
Transformation, Alabama
Terri Collins, State Representative, Alabama
Phil Webb, President and CEO, Webb Concrete, and
Chair, Alabama Workforce Board, Alabama
Ross White, Director, Division of Career &
Technical Education, Arkansas
Ken Warden, Commissioner, Division of Higher
Education, Arkansas Department of Education, Arkansas
Kevin Carson, Superintendent,Sussex County
Vocational Technical School District, Delaware
Brian Pettyjohn, State Senator, Delaware
Ian Caraway, Director of Policy, Office of the
Governor, Georgia
Greg Dozier, Commissioner, Technical College
System of Georgia, Georgia
Karen Kirchler, Deputy Commissioner, Workforce
Development, Technical College System of Georgia, Georgia
Scot Lingrell, Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellor
Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, University System of
Georgia, Georgia
Jackie Lundberg, Chief Operating Officer,
Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, Georgia
Lynne Riley, President, Georgia Student
Finance Commission, Georgia
Barbara Wall, Deputy Superintendent of Career,
Technical, and Agricultural Education, Georgia Department of
Education, Georgia
Jamie Link, Secretary, Kentucky Education and
Labor Cabinet, Kentucky
Thomas Lambert, Assistant State Superintendent,
Office of Assessments, Accountability, and Analytics, Louisiana
Department of Education, Louisiana
Courtney Taylor, Executive Director,
Accelerate MS, Mississippi
Brett Robinson, State Career and Technical
Education Director, Mississippi Department of Education
Cori Gray, Director of Student Success, Oklahoma
Department of Career and Technology Education, Oklahoma
Jimmy Armstrong, Principal and Executive
Director, Greer Middle College Charter High School, South
Bunnie Ward, Director, Transform SC, SC Council
on Competitiveness
Zachary Adams, Assistant Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs & Workforce Alignment, The College System of
Tennessee, Tennessee
Karen Alexander, Professor and Chair, Family and
Consumer Sciences Education Program, Texas Tech University,
Sarah Armstrong Tucker, Chancellor, West
Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, West Virginia