Dr. Thomas Washington
Teaching Institution: California State University, Long Beach, California
Field of Study: Social Work
A leader in HIV advocacy.
Currently, I am a faculty affiliate with the Center for Health Equity Research (CHER). With CHER, I collaborate with community-based agencies to make an impact on young, ethnic, minority gay males with substance abuse and HIV risk behaviors. My funded research focuses on the development and pilot testing of a web-based intervention to increase HIV testing uptake among young black gay men.
Dr. Washington also serves as the interim assistant co-director for a student training program funded through the National Institutes of Health. His work with the program centers on training and mentoring undergraduate students who are interested in earning a Ph.D. in a biomedical or behavioral research field. He credits the Institute on Teaching and Mentoring with strengthening his abilities to perform the duties crucial for tenure. He is the recipient of the 2011 Gerald A. Ludd Lifetime Achievement Award for promoting HIV service and research leadership among African-Americans.