3,000+ Educators Convene in Baltimore
SREB Making Schools Work Conference July 10-13

News SREB Media Advisory

SREB Making Schools Work Conference 
July 10-13 
Baltimore Convention Center 


Attendees are teachers, counselors, principals, technology center directors, and school district and state department of education leaders from more than 30 states, coming together to learn from experts and one another.

Keynote and featured speakers include Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, president of University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Sonja Brookins Santelises, CEO of Baltimore City Public Schools; Robert Balfanz, director of the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University; Tavon Lawrence, leader of the Baltimore City Teaching Residency; Connie Majka and Jay Steele of the National Career Academy Coalition; Josh Davies, CEO of the Center for Work Ethic Development, and many, many more.


The Southern Regional Education Board’s Making School Work Conference.
The nation’s premier professional learning event for K-12 education, SREB’s annual Making Schools Work Conference (previously known as the High Schools That Work Staff Development Conference) attracts thousands of teachers, counselors, principals, technology center directors, and state and district education agency personnel.
Conference keynotes, sessions and special events bring educators together to share their strategies for increasing student engagement and achievement and improving the culture of their schools, technology centers and postsecondary institutions.
Attendees say the conference gives them tools they can use right away to increase excellence in their classrooms.


Wednesday, July 10, 3 p.m. through Saturday, July 13, noon

Schedule at a glance             Full program


Baltimore Convention Center and Hilton Baltimore
Baltimore, Maryland


Dynamic shifts in the labor market have increased the pressure on states, districts and schools to prepare students for success in careers and college.

SREB’s Making Schools Work Conference provides professional development that changes how teachers teach and students learn. Teachers, school leaders and SREB staff share research-based, classroom-tested strategies that address the real problems schools face.


The scale of the conference, with over 3,000 educators and 500 sessions, offers excellent photo and video options. (Take a look at this video from last year’s conference.)

Talk with educators of all levels about their jobs, their own summer learning, and their plans for the coming school year

See in action innovative and research-tested classroom strategies from literacy-based assignments to powerful strategies for teaching math.

Hear from and interview national leaders in education and improvement.

See Baltimore City Public Schools student teams in entrepreneurship, robotics and more.

Stephen Pruitt, SREB president, is available for interviews about SREB’s commitment to equity, access and excellence for each student.
Dale Winkler, SREB vice president for school improvement, is available for interviews about how SREB empowers educators to create meaningful, personalized learning experiences that encourage students to succeed.

The Southern Regional Education Board works with states to improve education at every level, from early childhood through doctoral education. A nonprofit, nonpartisan interstate compact based in Atlanta, SREB was created in 1948 by Southern governors and legislators to help leaders in education and government advance education to improve the social and economic life of the region. SREB’s school improvement services are used by schools and districts in 32 states across the nation.