Latest SREB Teacher Compensation Dashboard Takeaways


The Southern Regional Education Board’s 2024 Teacher Compensation Dashboard now includes updated takeaways based on analyses of the latest data from each of the SREB region states on teacher salaries, health insurance, retirement and take-home pay.

This includes spotlighting states that lead in teacher salaries and benefits, changes to SREB regional averages over time and additional analysis on data from 48 non-representative Southern school districts. Additionally, a 2.5-minute explainer video provides guidance for examining data about a single state several states or the entire region.

“Salaries and benefits are trending in the right direction, yet the South still significantly lags the nation, far more than cost of living lags,” said Megan Boren, who leads SREB’s work on teacher workforce issues. “To build and retain a stronger techer workforce, we need comprehensive solutions that include compensation, quality preparation and pathways, educator support and advancement opportunities.”

The update comes as state leaders prepare for the 2025 legislative sessions amid ongoing teacher shortages. By conducting research that looks at all aspects of compensation, SREB provides policymakers with a more complete picture of how teachers are compensated.

Earlier this year, the site was updated with a second dashboard to allow users to see compensation and teacher spending power data from 48 sample school districts. SREB analyzed three rural, suburban and urban school districts from each Southern state. (While this data is not generalizable from one district or state to another, SREB has published it to help education leaders begin to understand the differences among districts and consider looking at their own local numbers.)

As before, dashboard users can see a profile of their state’s compensation offerings; compare one state to another, the South or the nation; and browse all data and trends (now up to 10 school years of salary data and five years of benefits data).

“I see a great opportunity for policymakers and journalists across the SREB region and beyond to find information critical to decision making regarding the recruitment and retention of teachers using our dashboard,” SREB President Stephen L. Pruitt said. “The data and trends provide an unobstructed view of the state of teacher compensation for every SREB state.”

Key Takeaways

The average salary for all teachers in the 16 SREB states was $59,145, compared with $69,544 nationally. Average teacher salaries in the South are 15% less than the national average. Maryland leads in the region with the highest average, starting and top teacher salaries.

Average Teacher Salaries

Take-home pay averages are calculated for teachers in their 1st, 15th and 35th years of teaching, subtracting costs to teachers on health premiums and retirement contributions as well as federal and state tax. Maryland, Delaware and Alabama had the highest average net pay for teachers in 2023.

Average Teacher Net Pay  

Health insurance costs for individual teachers are manageable for individual plans in most states, but teachers pay more on average than other professionals for monthly health-insurance premiums to cover their families. Florida and Virginia have the lowest average individual and family premiums in the region. Tennessee and Texas have lowered premium rates in the last few years helping to lower the regional average. Texas rates remain the highest in the region.

Average Teacher Health Insurance Premiums

Teachers’ retirement benefits are substantial for most teachers but don’t pay off as well for teachers who don’t spend their entire careers in the teaching field. Delaware, Georgia and Alabama provide the highest potential pension benefit to current eligible retirees in the region.

Average Potential Gross Pension Payouts for Retirement-Eligible Teachers

Contact: Janita Poe, SREB News Manager, at or 404-879-5516, ext. 216

The Southern Regional Education Board works with states, districts and schools to improve education at every level, from early childhood through doctoral education and the workforce. An interstate compact and a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization based in Atlanta, SREB was created in 1948 by Southern governors and legislatures to advance education and improve the social and economic life of the region.