Other Commission Reports
A New Mission for the Middle Grades
Preparing Students for a Changing World
Report of the SREB Middle Grades Commission
The report of the SREB Middle Grades Commission issues an urgent call for states to improve achievement in the middle grades so students are ready for success in rigorous high school courses and better prepared to graduate and proceed to college or technical training. A New Mission for the Middle Grades offers a comprehensive roadmap for change,
Promoting a Culture of Student Success: How Colleges and Universities Are Improving Degree Completion
Fewer than one-third of degree-seeking, full-time freshmen in the nation’s public four-year institutions graduate in four years. To help raise this rate, SREB examined many strategies that public institutions are using to help more students earn bachelor’s degrees, with particular attention to students in regional colleges and universities who often face academic and/or economic disadvantages. This report summarizes 15 institutions’ successful approaches to improving graduation rates, provides specific strategies that campus leaders can use and profiles each of the 15 institutions.
No Time to Waste
Policy Recommendations for Increasing College Completion
States need to place a major focus on increasing the numbers of students who complete college degrees and career certificates toward the goal of having 60 percent of working-age adults earning some type of high-quality credential by the year 2025, a major new report and set of recommendations from the Southern Regional Education Board urges.
The Next Generation of School Accountability
A Blueprint for Raising High School Achievement and Graduation Rates
Report of the Committee to Improve High School Graduation Rates and Achievement
This report recommends strategies that states and public schools can use to improve student achievement and raise graduation rates. The report is based on the recommendations of the SREB Committee to Improve High School Graduation Rates and Achievement, led by Governor Sonny Perdue of Georgia.
A Critical Mission
Making Adolescent Reading an Immediate Priority in SREB States
Report of the Committee to Improve Reading and Writing in Middle and High Schools
Nationwide, students in the middle grades and high school are failing to develop the reading and writing skills they need in order to meet higher academic standards. This major SREB report on adolescent literacy discusses the urgency of the problem in depth and presents specific solutions for SREB states based on the recommendations of the SREB Committee to Improve Reading and Writing in Middle and High Schools, chaired by Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia, the SREB Board chair. The report includes a message from SREB President Dave Spence and status reports on recent state actions on the issue.
Education and Progress in the South, 1938-1998
Report of the SREB Commission for Educational Quality
In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt called the South America’s No. 1 economic problem. This report looks at progress over 60 years and finds remarkable progress, due in part to the region’s focused, long-term investments in education.
Changing States: Higher Education and the Public Good
Report of the Commission for Educational Quality
America’s colleges and universities are among its most prized assets, begins this report, which examines higher education’s value and the depth of states’ commitment to it. It offers recommendations on how higher education needs to change and suggestions to better connect schools, colleges and the workplace. The commission report urges states to set clear policies on financing higher education and bring together leaders to act wisely.