Curriculum Maps


Finance Curriculum Map (PDF)

CTE Course/Unit

CTE Concepts or Applications

Embedded Math Concepts

Middle School Common Core Math Standards

High School Common Core Math Standards

Business structure

Business structures- corporations

Adding, subtracting, and multiplying whole numbers;
Reading tables;
Adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 7.NS.1; 7.EE.3; 6.NS.5; 7.NS.2; 7.NS.3; 6.EE.2; 6.EE.3; 6.SP.4; 6.SP.5; 7.SP.2; 7.SP.3; 7.SP.4; 8.SP.3; 8.SP.4

A.APR.1; A.APR.7; N.RN.3; N.Q.1

Financial analysis

Salary calculations

Whole number operations;
Algebraic formulas

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 7.NS.1; 7.EE.3; 6.EE.2; 7.EE.1; 7.EE.2

A.APR.1; A.APR.7; N.RN.3; N.Q.1; A.REI.1; A.REI.2

Financial analysis

Analyzing basic Accounting equations (A= L+O.E.)

Inverse operation;
Solving for variables;
Algebraic equations

6.EE.2; 7.EE.1; 7.EE.2

A.REI.1; A.REI.2

Financial analysis

Cost center analysis

Whole numbers;
Linear graphs and charts

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 7.NS.1; 7.EE.3; 6.EE.2; 6.EE.3; 6.SP.4; 6.SP.5; 7.SP.2; 7.SP.3; 7.SP.4; 8.SP.3; 8.SP.4; 6.EE.2; 7.EE.1; 7.EE.2

A.APR.1; A.APR.7; N.RN.3; N.Q.1; A.REI.1; A.REI.2 S.IC.1; S.IC.2; S.IC.3; S.IC.4; S.IC.5; S.IC.6; S.ID.1

Financial analysis

Figuring notes and interest

Substituting data into formulas;
Solving equations and decimals;
Algebraic equations

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 6.NS.5; 7.NS.1; 7.NS.2; 7.NS.3; 7.EE.3; 6.EE.2; 7.EE.2; 6.EE.6; 6.EE.7; 6.EE.8; 6.EE.9; 7.EE.1; 7.EE.2; 7.EE.4; 8.EE.7; 8.EE.8; 8.F.4

A.REI.1; A.REI.2 A.CED.1; A.CED.2; A.CED.3; A.CED.4; A.REI.3; A.REI.4; A.REI.10; F.LE.1; F.LE.2; F.LE.5; F.IF.5; A.SSE.1; F.BF.1; S.ID.6


PERT diagram (program, evaluation, and review techniques)

Time estimation;
Charts and graphs;
Arcs, nodes, and networking

6.EE.2; 6.EE.3; 6.SP.4; 6.SP.5; 7.SP.2; 7.SP.3; 7.SP.4; 8.SP.3; 8.SP.4

S.IC.1; S.IC.2; S.IC.3; S.IC.4; S.IC.5; S.IC.6; S.ID.1


Excel spreadsheet and pie chart

Analyzing and interpreting data

6.EE.2; 6.EE.3; 6.SP.4; 6.SP.5; 7.SP.2; 7.SP.3; 7.SP.4; 8.SP.3; 8.SP.4; 6.RP.2; 6.RP.3; 7.EE.2; 7.EE.3

S.IC.1; S.IC.2; S.IC.3; S.IC.4; S.IC.5; S.IC.6; S.ID.1

Economic measurement and globalization

Economic decisions

Tables and charts;
Basic math operations

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 7.NS.1; 7.EE.3; 6.EE.2; 6.EE.3; 6.SP.4; 6.SP.5; 7.SP.2; 7.SP.3; 7.SP.4; 8.SP.3; 8.SP.4

A.APR.1; A.APR.7; N.RN.3; N.Q.1; S.IC.1; S.IC.2; S.IC.3; S.IC.4; S.IC.5; S.IC.6; S.ID.1

International trade/currency exchange rate


Conversions, exchange rate;
Ratio/ proportion;
Reading charts and tables;
Basic math operations

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 7.NS.1; 7.EE.3; 6.RP.1; 6.RP.2; 6.RP.3; 7.RP.1; 7.RP.2; 7.RP.3; 7.EE.3; 6.EE.2; 6.EE.3; 6.SP.4; 6.SP.5; 7.SP.4; 8.SP.3; 8.SP.4

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 7.NS.1; 7.EE.3; 6.RP.1; 6.RP.2; 6.RP.3; 7.RP.1; 7.RP.2; 7.RP.3; 7.EE.3; 6.EE.2; 6.EE.3; 6.SP.4; 6.SP.5; 7.SP.4; 8.SP.3; 8.SP.4

Finance (profit and loss and budgeting)

Depreciation – double declining

Exponential decay;
Linear relationships

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 6.NS.5; 7.NS.1; 7.NS.2; 7.NS.3; 7.EE.3; 6.EE.2; 7.EE.1; 7.EE.2; 6.EE.1; 8.EE.1; 8.EE.2; 8.EE.3; 6.EE.6; 6.EE.7; 6.EE.8; 6.EE.9; 7.EE.4; 8.EE.7; 8.EE.8; 8.F.4

A.REI.1; A.REI.2; F.BF.5; S.ID.6; F.LE.2; F.LE.3; A.CED.1; A.CED.2; A.CED.3; A.CED.4; A.REI.3; A.REI.4; A.REI.10; F.LE.1; F.LE.2; F.LE.5; F.IF.5; A.SSE.1; F.BF.1; S.ID.6

Finance (profit and loss and budgeting)

Gross sales margins;
Markup calculations

Basic arithmetic;

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 7.NS.1; 7.EE.3; 6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 6.NS.5; 7.NS.1; 7.NS.2; 7.NS.3; 7.EE.3

A.APR.1; A.APR.7; N.RN.3; N.Q.1

Finance (profit and loss and budgeting)



Finance (profit and loss and budgeting)

Stock gains/losses

Multiplying and dividing;
Breakeven points

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 7.NS.1; 7.EE.3; 6.RP.2; 6.RP.3; 7.EE.2; 7.EE.3; 6.NS.1; 6.EE.2; 7.NS.1; 7.NS.2; 7.NS.3; 8.G.6; 8.G.7; 8.G.8

A.APR.1; A.APR.7; N.RN.3; N.Q.1; G.SRT.6; G.SRT.8; F.IF.8

Finance (profit and loss and budgeting)

Franchising fees

Multiplying and dividing;
Rational numbers;
Calculating with percentages

Adding/subtracting; Multiplying and dividing; Rational numbers; Calculating with percentages 6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 7.NS.1; 7.EE.3; 6.RP.2; 6.RP.3; 7.EE.2; 7.EE.3

A.APR.1; A.APR.7; N.RN.3; N.Q.1

Business operations

Decision making

Problem solving

6.RP.2; 6.RP.3; 7.EE.2; 7.EE.3; 6.RP.1; 6.RP.2; 6.RP.3; 7.RP.1; 7.RP.2; 7.RP.3; 6.EE.2; 6.EE.3; 6.SP.4; 6.SP.5; 7.SP.4; 8.SP.3; 8.SP.4

G.MG.3 S.IC.1; S.IC.2; S.IC.3; S.IC.4; S.IC.5; S.IC.6; S.ID.1; N.Q.1; N.Q.2; N.Q.3; S.ID.6

Business operations


Multiple decimals;
Order of operations;
Substitute formulas and solve

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 7.NS.1; 7.EE.3; 6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 6.NS.5; 7.NS.1; 7.NS.2; 7.NS.3; 6.EE.2; 7.EE.1; 7.EE.2; 6.EE.2

A.APR.1; A.APR.7; N.RN.3; N.Q.1; A.REI.1; A.REI.2; A.CED.4

Business operations

Payroll deductions/register

Basic operations with whole numbers and decimals;
Converting percentages to decimals

6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 7.NS.1; 7.EE.3; 6.NS.2; 6.NS.3; 6.NS.5; 7.NS.1; 7.NS.2; 7.NS.3; 6.RP.2; 6.RP.3; 7.EE.2

A.APR.1; A.APR.7; N.RN.3; N.Q.1