Keynote Speaker
Daniel Jean, Founder of PhinisheD/FinishEdD #WhoGotNext/Author of "I Am...I Will..."


Dr. Daniel JeanDaniel Jean is the CEO o­­f Wordstravel LLC. He has been on the cover of Diverse Issues in Higher Education and ­was recently featured on PBS NewsHour for his role in improving outcomes for Black and Latino identifying men. He has also been featured in the Los Angeles Times,, Black Enterprise, Ebony Magazine and The Hechinger Report. Jean is the founder of PhinisheD/FinishEdD #WhoGotNext, an online community for over 24,000 future doctors.

Additionally, he has presented at more than 700 seminars, including  the Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, Western Kentucky University, Rutgers University, Meharry Medical College and Clemson University. Jean is the 524th graduate of the SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program. His goal is to directly assist 1million future graduates and deliver 10,000 seminars/keynotes before he retires.