The Power of Planning: Collaborative Strategies for Stronger Lessons


The Power of Collaborative Planning with Michelle Harada

Planning comes up in nearly every episode of Class-Act Coaching—so this week, we’re giving it the spotlight it deserves. Ashley teams up with guest instructional coach Michelle Harada, who shares practical tips and research-backed strategies for improving the quality and efficiency of lesson planning, especially through collaborative planning.

Michelle draws from years of experience supporting teachers across grade levels and content areas and breaks down why planning is more than just picking a resource—it’s about being intentional, setting clear goals and using time wisely.

Key Topics Covered

  • Why collaborative planning is one of the most impactful things a school can do—and how to make it work even if you’re a singleton teacher.
  • John Hattie’s research on effect sizes and what accelerates learning (spoiler: collaboration and clarity matter!)
  • How to use the four guiding questions of planning to reflect on your practice and support all students.
  • What to do when students do—or don’t—get it: tips for remediation, enrichment and peer teaching.
  • Ways to make transitions smoother, maximize engagement and build intentionality into every moment of class.

Resources Mentioned

  • Michelle’s Planning Template to guide your next lesson or unit
  • Hattie’s research on teacher collaboration and collective efficacy
  • Project-based learning and content-aligned strategies

Quotable Moments

  • “The goal doesn’t change—the route to get there might. I can’t change the standard, but I can change how students get there.” — Michelle Harada
  • “Organizations demonstrate their priorities by how they use their resources. Time is the most precious resource in a school.” — Michelle Harada

Don’t Miss

  • Ashley’s reflection: why “just reusing an old lesson” isn’t the time-saver it seems
  • Michelle’s advice for finding planning partners—even if you’re the only one teaching your subject or grade level
  • Jason’s coaching tip: how coaches can advocate for structured planning time to support teacher retention and reduce burnout

Homework Challenge

Use Michelle’s planning template to reflect on one upcoming lesson or unit. Focus on just one new element—like success criteria or engagement strategies—and give it a try!

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