SREB SMART – Science and Math Alternative Route to Teaching
Preparing new and early-career teachers for success
(Science and Math Alternative Route to Teaching) helps new and
early-career math and science teachers master essential teaching
skills in four areas: instructional planning, engagement
strategies, assessment and feedback, and classroom management.
Benefits of SREB SMART
SREB SMART is ideal for new middle grades, high school or career center teachers but can also help veteran teachers improve their instruction.
With SREB SMART, teachers learn:
- What to do on the first day, in the first week and during the first nine weeks of school
- How to create a positive learning culture in a classroom of diverse students
- How to differentiate and personalize instruction
- How to plan real-world assignments
- How to engage, motivate and support students
- How to assess student learning
- What great teachers do and how they do it
SREB SMART professional development and coaching are delivered by trainers with the extensive teaching and leadership experience needed to inspire and support new teachers. In every professional development or coaching session, participants gain tools and strategies they can put to work right away in their classrooms.
Customizable Design and Delivery
SREB SMART’s customizable scope and sequence allow participants to receive as many as 200 hours of training before, during and after the first year of teaching, including:
- Intensive instruction during the summer before their first year of teaching
- Individual and team assignments, teach-backs and facilitated discussions
- Quarterly professional learning sessions that prepare teachers for the next nine weeks
- Opportunities to share problems and solutions within a community of peers
- On-site, job-embedded coaching visits
- On-site and virtual mentoring with experienced teachers
- Support from school leaders
- Intensive reflection and planning during the summer after the first year of teaching
Based in Research
SREB SMART is based on Teaching to Lead, our teacher prep program for CTE teachers who enter the classroom after successful careers in industry.
Developed by SREB and the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education, Teaching to Lead for CTE teachers has been shown to improve teacher competence and self-efficacy in an NRCCTE study of the T2L model.