Talent Distribution
Data on teaching talent by school poverty level


The Distribution of Teaching Talent in the South: Click the options below to explore the data.

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Regional Highlights

Across the South, students attending higher poverty (Title I) schools are more likely to have inexperienced, out-of-field and uncertified teachers than their peers at more affluent schools.

Like previous years, there was a higher distribution of inexperienced, out-of-field and uncertified teachers at schools with higher concentrations of poverty  in the SREB region during the 2022-23 school year.

Based on the distribution of teaching talent across the South, a student attending a high-poverty school is 1.5x more likely to have an inexperienced, out-of-field or uncertified teacher than their peer at a more affluent school.



Data by State



State Spotlights

South Carolina distills teacher retention data by school poverty level across elementary, middle and high school levels. Lower retention rates — and therefore less continuity — in schools with higher concentrations of poverty may exacerbate some of the challenges these schools, staff and students face. Additionally, South Carolina distills teacher retention data by school level across community type, such as city, suburban, town or rural.

Spotlight Source: SC Teacher: Educator Pipeline Research. South Carolina Teacher Retention Report for 2022-23.