Teacher Quantity
Data on the quantity of teachers, staff ratios and turnover


Teacher Quantity in the South: Click the options below to explore the data.

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Regional Highlights

In 2022-23, the number of students and teachers increased from the previous year, but pupil-to-teacher ratios remained the same. However, during the same timeframe, teacher turnover increased by 3.3 percentage points, to 18.2 percent. Over the last four school years (2019-20 to 2022-23), teacher turnover in the South has increased by 6.2 percent.

In the SREB region in 2022-23, there were 19,785,616 students served by 1,297,548 educators.

After a dip in 2020-21, student enrollment is beginning to trend back up. Pupil-to-teacher ratios have remained the same (approximately 15).

In 2022-23, the percentage of teachers who left their state's education system reached its highest point in the last 4 years at 18.2 percent. The estimated cost to districts could exceed $300 million.

In 2023, the South made up a majority (58.2%) of the nation's 55,289 teacher vacancies. This is an estimated 9,646  more vacancies in the South than the previous year — a 42.3% increase.




Data by State




State Spotlights

Delaware and North Carolina each examine data related to teacher turnover using more detailed metrics and ways of distilling the information.

Spotlight Sources: