2007-2012 Impact Report
This impact report represents an
executive summary of the research, dissemination, technical
assistance, and professional development activities conducted by
the NRCCTE during its first five years of operation at the
University of Louisville (2007-2012).
Additional detail on the NRCCTE’s activities can be found here on our website and in our many published research reports, multimedia products, and formal reports to our funding agency, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) at the U.S. Department of Education, and the United States Congress. This impact statement focuses on how the NRCCTE’s varied agenda has influenced and continues to influence the national discussion of CTE and the contribution CTE can make to improve the high school experience and transition to postsecondary education and employment of young people. In these challenging economic times, CTE is more important than ever to the future outcomes of our youth.