Career Technical Educators Using Data-Driven Improvement: Research-Based Professional Development That Works
A key strategy for helping students achieve is making effective use of the quantities of assessment data available to educators. At her presentation at ACTE’s VISION 2012 meeting, Sandy Pritz of NOCTI described how NRCCTE researchers at NOCTI spent three years researching and pilot-testing a professional development model that takes the confusion out of interpreting and using assessment data and helps educators focus on the data connections between work and real-world student learning. CTEDDI (Career Technical Educators Using Data-Driven Improvement) is the only evidence-based program designed to prepare CTE administrators and teachers to use assessment data to continuously improve programs and target individual and group needs in CTE classrooms.
Pritz, S. (2012, November). Career technical educators using data-driven improvement: Research-based professional development that works. Presentation made at the annual meeting of the Association for Career and Technical Education, Atlanta, GA.