Inclusion/Detracking: A Resource Guide
There is a growing national sentiment to educate all students in programs which reflect the diversity of the local general student population. This resource guide is directed towards professionals and practitioners who are interested in strategies, resources, programs, and research concerning inclusion, detracking, ability grouping, mainstreaming, and cooperative learning. It contains descriptions, cost, and contact information for selected (1) references, including newsletters and journal articles; (2) educational information centers; and (3) organizations. To the extent possible, the resources listed address students in vocational education and integrated programs.
Maddy-Bernstein, C., Matias, Z. B., Cunanan, E. S., Krall, B. T., Kantenberger, J., & Iliff, L. (1995, December). Inclusion/detracking: A resource guide. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.