Reforming Preservice Preparation Programs for Secondary and Postsecondary Instructors
The 1990 Perkins Amendments and the 1994 School-to-Work
Opportunities Act encouraged high schools and community colleges
to combine academic with vocational curriculum in a program of
study that included work-related applications and created clearer
pathways from secondary to postsecondary education. Thousands of
high schools and community colleges have now implemented some
form of career academies, clusters, majors, Tech Prep, or a
combination of these approaches. The result is a greater demand
for teachers with new capabilities. Foremost among these is
facility at integrating academic and vocational studies,
coordinating school- and work-based learning, and articulating
secondary and postsecondary studies. Teachers employed in these
comprehensive reform settings are often expected to integrate,
coordinate, and articulate on a regular basis.
Meeting the demand for instructional staff who can perform these
new functions will require changes in preservice education.
Unfortunately, teacher preparation programs have scarcely
recognized the changes that are occurring in high schools and
community colleges (Finch, 1998). New teachers are not being
well-prepared to combine academic and vocational curriculum,
supervise students in community-based learning, or offer courses
of study that prepare students both for work and for further
education. Institutions that educate teachers and other
instructional staff are faced with new demands for people who are
equipped to work in high school and community colleges where
integrating academic and vocational curricula, using work-based
learning in the instructional program, and articulating secondary
and postsecondary studies are commonplace. To ensure the
readiness of educators, institutions that prepare educators must
reshape their programs.
The Initiatives
In response to this need, three universities in the NCRVE
consortium decided to redesign their teacher education programs.
Descriptions are provided about the redesign of preservice
teacher education programs for high school teachers at two of the
NCRVE consortium universities— University of California, Berkeley
(UC Berkeley) and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University (Virginia Tech). In addition, the redesign of a
teacher education program for community college instructors at
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is
documented. In its own way, each of the universities has begun
creating a reform process that focuses on preparing teachers to
integrate academic and vocational studies, coordinate school- and
work-based learning, and articulate secondary and postsecondary
What has been learned from these three initiatives? Do they have
implications for others who are planning to reform their teacher
education programs? To answer these questions, a close look must
be taken at collaborative inquiry, a process that promotes a
climate in which people become engaged in understanding the need
for change, actively study the change and decide how it will
occur, and then participate in implementing the change.
Osguthorpe (1999, pp. 16-18) offers a comprehensive model for
individual and organizational renewal that builds on contemporary
collaboration and inquiry literature. In this model,
collaborative reflection serves as the starting point for
establishing a culture of inquiry, and a culture of inquiry
provides a foundation for both individual and organizational
Connections with Organizational Renewal
In fact, the three initiatives seem to align quite well with
contemporary views of organizational renewal. This alignment can
be described in the context of three aspects of organizational
renewal: (1) collaborative reflection, (2) culture of inquiry,
and (3) individual and organizational renewal.
Collaborative Reflection
In their own way, each of the initiatives involved a wide range
of stakeholders in collaborative reflection. At a 1998 conference
sponsored by Virginia Tech project staff, university teacher
educators, preservice teachers, and practicing teachers and
administrators in the schools were afforded an opportunity to
meet together, share concerns about the schools and teacher
education, and establish a more meaningful direction for change
in university teacher education. The outcomes of this conference
served as a foundation for work conducted during 1999. At UC
Berkeley, part of the 1998 initiative agenda focused on bringing
university teacher educators and teachers from local career
academies together to discuss academy teaching issues and explore
collaboratively the activities that might be included in
preservice teacher education to better meet the needs of the
schools. This list of potential activities formed the basis for
UC Berkeley’s 1999 agenda. At UIUC, concerns about the
preparation of community college instructors led to a
collaboration with three community colleges that were actively
engaged in curriculum and instructional reform. Through focus
groups conducted with faculty members and administrators at these
institutions, valuable information about current and future
community college instructor needs was obtained. Much of the
information gathered was incorporated into a program for
community college educators and is already having a direct impact
on how instructors are prepared.
The initiatives have also maintained their collaborative
relationships with stakeholders. Educators from outside the
universities continue to be involved in collaborative reflection
with university faculty. For example, at UC Berkeley, a series of
workshops for student teachers were presented during the Fall of
1999 by a team of teachers from career academies. The workshops
were designed collaboratively by academy teachers and teacher
education staff at UC Berkeley. At UIUC, a meeting during the
Fall of 1999 provided an opportunity to gain more insight into
trends in community college teaching and learning as well as the
professional development needs of persons seeking careers in
community college teaching. Participating in this collaborative
meeting were community college instructors, supervisors, and
administrators, as well as a representative from the Illinois
Community College Board. Virginia Tech initiative staff scheduled
a meeting that brought together university teacher educators,
school administrators, and teachers to reflect on past
collaboration and make plans for collaboration in the future.
Many of the ways that collaborative reflection can be stimulated
have been incorporated in the initiatives’ activities. Examples
include building trust, making time to collaborate, nurturing
questions, forming groups, and taking risks. Additionally, the
patience displayed by collaborators reflects a perception that
reforming teacher education cannot be accomplished overnight. It
is viewed as a long-term initiative; one that cannot be
Culture of Inquiry
The initiatives appeared to incorporate cultures of inquiry into
their efforts. Building cultures of inquiry into the three reform
agendas may have been stimulated by the strong commitment of all
three research universities to conducting disciplined inquiry. A
culture of inquiry could be seen at UIUC when community college
focus group results were incorporated into a course for community
college educators. In this instance, there was not only concern
about the revised course’s process (e.g., how it was organized
and flowed) but also about its outcomes (e.g., how students
reacted to the course and how what they learned was applied to
community college settings). Inquiry was also noted at Virginia
Tech where teams of educators—teacher educators, teachers, and
student teachers—collaborated to determine the best ways of
integrating academic and vocational studies into different school
subjects and settings. At UC Berkeley, a culture of inquiry was
established through testing several approaches to providing
student teachers with experiences in workplaces and schools.
Feedback from students who participated in these experiences
helped to guide future decisions about the approaches.
Individual and Organizational Renewal
It is difficult, if not impossible, to determine whether the
initiatives have resulted in individual and organizational
renewal. There is, however, some indication that the three
initiatives are moving in the right direction. Evidence that
university teacher educators and educators in schools and
community colleges are working together in collaborative and
reflective ways supports the notion that teacher education
renewal is moving forward. Likewise, inquiry processes
incorporated into the initiatives include active participation
and involvement from school and community college educators. This
is a major shift from the way change has occurred traditionally
in teacher education programs. A revolutionary shift such as this
is just what may be needed to stimulate real renewal in teacher
education at the university level.
Finch, C., Kelly, P., Heath-Camp, B., Harris, J., Zimmerlin, D., & Aragon, S. (1999, November). Reforming preservice preparation programs for secondary and postsecondary instructors. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.