SARA Events & Information


Regional Steering Committee Events

Next Meeting Dates and Business

SREB SARA RSC Meetings  October 15-17, 2024

SREB SARA RSC Meetings  Date TBA

Crowne Plaza Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia

Location TBD

States Submitting Renewal Applications: States Submitting Renewal Applications:
Kentucky Arkansas
Louisiana Oklahoma
Pennsylvania Tennessee
Virginia Virgin Islands
West Virginia  

SARA Meeting Satisfaction Survey
2024 October SREB SARA RSC Meetings

Thank you for your attendance and engagement in the 2024 October SREB SARA RSC Meetings. We appreciate your willingness to travel and meet in person, as well as your questions, comments, and engagement.

We would like your feedback on how we performed. Please complete this survey to help us provide the best services for you. You may provide your contact information with the survey or submit your responses anonymously. When you successfully submit the form, you will receive a confirmation message of successful submission.