School Improvement Coaching


School Improvement Coaching

SREB offers targeted school improvement coaching services to districts or schools that participate in a curriculum and instruction review, a career pathway review or a site development workshop.

We customize these follow-up services to support teachers and school leaders in using SREB’s problem-solving process to achieve their school improvement goals and objectives.


School Improvement Coaching Services

SREB’s school improvement coaching services support schools in using our problem-solving process to implement all aspects of the school improvement plans they develop during a curriculum and instruction review, a career pathway review or a site development workshop.

Diagram - SREB's Problem-Solving Process

As an adaptation of the engineering design process, SREB’s approach to problem-solving empowers school focus teams to identify problems, study their root causes, set goals, develop and test solutions, and monitor the results of their continuous improvement efforts.

Coaching services build schools’ capacity to use this process to meet their improvement goals. Services may include ongoing professional learning, hands-on workshops, virtual meetings and targeted support for teachers, counselors and school leaders.

SREB can work directly with the school to provide coaching and other follow-up services or train district or state personnel to offer these supports.