States Saved $10.5 Million on Tech Buying
Savings by state, fiscal year 2023


States saved an estimated $10.5 million on $117 million in technology purchases in fiscal year 2023 through SREB participation in discount agreements.

The amount saved ranged from $172,000 on $1.9 million in purchases in Delaware to $1.9 million on $21.5 million in purchases in North Carolina. The savings is calculated based on a conservative estimate of 9% average discount.

Savings in the 16-state SREB region has grown by $2.2 million since FY 2018.

Fiscal Year 2023 Savings
Alabama  $   1,596,144 $ 17,734,943
Arkansas  $   1,586,948 $ 17,632,756
Delaware $      172,114 $   1,912,387
Florida $   1,180,219 $ 13,113,550
Georgia $      551,377 $   6,126,414
Kentucky  $      125,022 $   1,389,140
Louisiana  $   1,151,979 $ 12,799,775
Maryland  $      270,376 $  3,004,180
Mississippi  $        52,881 $     587,569
North Carolina  $   1,941,293 $21,569,930
Oklahoma  $      154,974 $  1,721,942
South Carolina $      136,335 $  1,514,838
Tennessee  $      805,039 $   8,944,881
Texas  $        59,658 $     662,871
Virginia  $        99,624 $  1,106,941
West Virginia $      625,205 $  6,946,725

Schools, universities and agencies in each of the 16 SREB states are eligible for the savings through SREB collaboration with the Midwestern Higher Education Compact on cost containment strategies. For details on the program and a list of contracts, visit MHEC’s Technologies webpage. >