An Analysis of OER Course Marking in Colleges and Universities
OER Summer Webinar Series
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In this webinar, we explored ways to use student outcomes to measure the value of open educational resources with the Midwestern Higher Education Compact and its National Consortium of Open Educational Resources partners.
This new focus is based on research of how the framework was developed to assess the value of OER for colleges and universities. As part of that work, we conducted a landscape analysis to better understand how course marking related to OER is being conducted at U.S.-based colleges and universities.
We shared the findings of our national landscape analysis, including data related to institutions’ course marking processes, data validation processes, use of course marking data, technology use, and motivations for course marking of OER. We also previewed our conversations with a national advisory group exploring the collection and use of course marking data related to OER.
Gina Johnson, Principal & Cofounder, Data EmpowerED Consulting
Gina Johnson focuses on improving
knowledge management and data-informed decision making in
postsecondary education. This is accomplished through coaching
and co-designing frameworks that empower organizational leaders
to reimagine their data and analytics efforts and enhance their
knowledge management capacities at scale.
Jenny Parks, Vice President of Policy and Research, Midwestern Higher Education Compact
Jenny Parks leads the exploration,
development and implementation of projects that help Midwestern
postsecondary institutions improve the way they serve students.
Parks has worked at all levels of education and in multiple
sectors of higher education, having worked with state and federal
compliance, institutional research, and policy advocacy. She
earned her master’s degree in educational policy and research
from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is pursuing her
doctorate in higher education from Northeastern University in
Boston. Parks joined the Midwestern Higher Education Compact in
September 2013.