The Cost of OER and Return on Investment
Open Educational Resources in Dual Enrollment
View the webinar recording
This session was held to help decision-makers on all levels — state, higher education institutions and K12 schools and districts — better understand the perceived costs of open educational resources, cost-savings, and the return on investments.
This session is part of SREB’s Open Educational Resources in Dual Enrollment webinar series.
The webinar session covered the following topics:
Counting the Costs led by Tanya Spilovoy, director of open policy, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)
Getting the Most Value for OER led by Gerry Hanley, executive director of MERLOT and SkillsCommon
Tanya Spilovoy has a two-decade
career in higher education leadership, during which she has led
numerous education technology and open education initiatives.
Currently she serves as director of open policy for the
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s Cooperative
for Educational Technologies, where she leads the National
Consortium for Open Educational Resources, a collaboration among
the four regional compacts (MHEC, NEBHE, SREB, and WICHE), all 50
US states and associated territories. NCOER focuses on the
policy, practice and implementation of open educational
resources in states, systems and higher education
institutions. Previously she served as the director of
distance education and state authorization at the North Dakota
University System, where she also led a statewide OER Initiative.
In addition, Spilovoy has conducted valuable research on
statewide OER in North Dakota and Colorado and published
several reports on the impact of large-scale OER implementation
on faculty selection of classroom materials in collaboration with
Bayview Analytics. She designed and leads instruction for SPARC’s
Open Education Leadership Program, a first-of-its-kind
professional development program to empower librarians as leaders
for successful open education initiatives.
Spilovoy received her bachelor of arts in English from Union College, a master’s in Education from Hamline University, and a doctorate in Higher Education Leadership and Organizational Change from Benedictine University.
Gerry Hanley is the executive
director of MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning
and Online Teaching) and SkillsCommons, which are free and
open digital libraries of academic and workforce development
teaching, learning and training resources administered at
California State University Long
Beach. Hanley’s previous
positions include assistant vice chancellor for
academic technology services at the CSU Office of the
Chancellor, where he created the Affordable Learning
Solutions program. He is the director of the Center for Usability
in Design and Accessibility and professor emeritus of
psychology at CSULB, where he also served as the director of
faculty development and director of strategy planning. He
received his bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate from
the State University of New York at Stony Brook in
experimental/cognitive psychology.