Priorities for Raising College Student Success in the South
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College student success is central
to both the professional workforce and the prosperity of
individuals today and tomorrow. Join members of SREB’s
Student Success Advisory Council as they discuss strategies
with the best potential to impact individual and collective
postsecondary success.
Robin Garrett, Deputy Chancellor, Academic and Student Success, Central Texas College
Jim Purcell, Executive Director, Alabama Commission on Higher Education
Yolanda Watson Spiva, President, Complete College America
Stevie Lawrence, Vice President for Postsecondary Education, SREB
SREB’s Student Success Advisory Council of leaders and experts came together in 2022 to prioritize actions toward better practice and policy. Join three Council members and SREB’s vice president for postsecondary education to discuss the most impactful strategies that will lead to individual and collective postsecondary success.