Blog: K-12 Promising Practices


Promising Practices Articles

Our articles are filled with tips and ideas straight from the source: schools and educators. We gather up these tips from sessions at our Making Schools Work Conference in order to share them with you here. 

For articles from the 2022 Making Schools Work Conference and earlier, check out the Promising Practices articles on our “Past Articles” page.

In the meantime, sign up for our Promising Practices Newsletter to make sure you don’t miss any of these articles or all of the other great content included in the monthly newsletters, which go out on the last Thursday of each month.

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Blog post Susan Simpson, SREB Leadership CoachConnie Luper, SREB Senior Leadership Coach

Three Ways to Design for Teacher-Led Growth (and Why You Should Care)

Three Ways to Design for Teacher-Led Growth (and Why You Should Care)

Just like you ask teachers to create environments where students feel an ownership over their learning, teachers will do well in a teaching environment where they have ownership over their own growth.

In this post, we talk about how to accomplish this teacher-led growth in your school.

Blog post Courtney LeidnerSREB Analyst II

Tips on Starting a STEAM School: A Look at Jefferson Middle School

Tips on starting a STEAM school: a look at Jefferson Middle School

Jefferson Middle School in Columbia, Missouri, is a great example of a STEAM school that works. This is why their session at the 2023 Making Schools Work Conference was so great: They showed what made their program work and gave tips on how you can start a program at your school. And we compiled them here for you!

Blog post Debra CullenSREB Instructional Coach

Mastering Master Schedules: Insight on Creating a Plan That Actually Works

Ways to Master Your Master Schedule

How can you create a master schedule that is focused on rigor, remediation and resilience? In other words, how do you create a master schedule that will actually be useful to your teachers and students?

In this post, we talk about how Mill Creek Middle School in Tennessee utilizes promising practices in master scheduling that you may want to try for yourself.

Blog post Keshia KingSREB Instructional Coach - Math

Sharing Is Preparing: Collaborating With Students on Creating Success Criteria

Reasons to Collaborate with Students When Making Success Criteria

We recently talked about the importance of using success criteria in your classroom. This isn’t something you have to do alone, though. Working with students to create these measures can be a great way to help them understand the purpose of your assignments.

In this post, we show you how student collaboration on success criteria can benefit everyone.

Blog post Ashley ShawSREB Communications Specialist

Knowing Isn’t the Same as Understanding: Tips on Aligning Your Curriculum to Encourage Deeper Learning

Tips on Aligning Your Curriculum to support deeper learning

Students are good at learning the facts of the lesson to pass a test, However, it can be a lot harder to help them truly understand the material. 

In this post, we talk about ways to help students move past knowing the assignment and reach a place of understanding…all while helping you align your curriculum to the standards.

Blog post Connie Luper, School Improvement Senior Leadership CoachAshley Shaw, SREB Communications Specialist

Turn up the Boombox: How Music Can Boost Learning

Image of a student wearing headphones with an overlay with the text "Ways to Boost Learning Through Music"

Think about all of the times you’ve gotten a song stuck in your head. Music is powerful like that. 

In this post, we talk about how you can take advantage of that power to help students learn. All you need to do is add a little music to your class!

Blog post Ashley ShawSREB Communications Specialist

7 Tools and Activities You Can Use to Keep Your Class Engaged

Picture of the "Breaking Out of the Box" session with an overlay and the text: Ideas to Make Your Class Engaging

In this post, we give you ideas on activities you can do to make your class more engaging for your students.

If you have been looking for ways to make your class more interactive, then this is a great place to start.

Blog post Ashley ShawSREB Communications Specialist

New Economy, New Class: Adam Welcome Provides Questions to Ask to Transform Your Class

Image of Adam Welcome on stage with an overlay and text that says "Questions to Ask to Transform Your Class:  Promising Practices from Our 2023  Making Schools Work Conference"

The world your students will encounter when they leave your classroom is different than the world you encountered when you left school. As job opportunities and technology changes, your classroom should change with it.

In the 2023 Making Schools Work Conference closing address, Adam Welcome shared ways to make sure your classroom is transforming with the times, and we have compiled them here for you.  

Blog post Ashley ShawSREB Communications Specialist

Is Your Glass Half Empty or Full? Lessons From Kelsey Tainsh on Shifting Perspectives to Improve Schools

Title image: Picture of Kelsey Tanish on stage at the 2023 Making Schools Work Conference with an overlay and the title of the post.

Kelsey Tainsh knows what it means to overcome adversity. At 15, a brain tumor caused her to become paralyzed. She didn’t let that stop her, though.

In her featured session at the 2023 Making Schools Work Conference, she talked about how a change in perspective can change everything, and what that means for your classroom.