Thank you for your patience as we rebuilt the NRCCTE’s library of videos dating from 2000 to the present.
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Transition to CTE Teaching: Supporting Beginning Teachers Entering Through Alternative Routes
Beginning CTE teachers need a variety of support to make a successful transition to teaching and meet the challenges of CTE teaching in the 21st-century. This video shares the findings of a collaborative project between the NRCCTE and its partner the Southern Regional Education Board to develop an induction model that provides over 200 hours of professional development and support framed around the most pressing questions new teachers face. Filmed at ACTE 2012, St. Louis, MO.
Maximizing the Academics in CTE: The NRCCTE Curriculum Integration Studies
The NRCCTE has conducted three research studies in CTE-academics integration: Math-in-CTE; Authentic Literacy-in-CTE; and most recently, Science-in-CTE. This video outlines the outcomes of these studies as well as the practical aspects of implementing models of curriculum integration.
Programs of Study: The State of the Art
As states continue to develop programs of study, many challenges have emerged. The NRCCTE has several research studies designed to examine how states and local school districts are addressing these challenges. This video provides the latest findings from five separate studies currently being conducted in a dozen states. Filmed at ACTE 2012, St. Louis, MO.
Using a New CTE Typology to Measure Student Performance and Progress
A Modification of the Participant and Concentrator Dichotomy for Improving CTE Accountability and Evaluation
The NRCCTE has access to the data obtained from several of the surveys that the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) regularly collects. Two of which – High School Transcripts Study (HSTS) and the Education Longitudinal Study (ELS) — have been used to build and verify a new CTE taxonomy that relates secondary courses and postsecondary programs to occupational areas. The new taxonomy allows the Center to report more effectively on the engagement, achievement and transition of CTE secondary and postsecondary students. Filmed at ACTE 2012, St. Louis, MO.
CTE’s Focus on Continuous Improvement through Data-Driven Improvement of Instruction
One important way CTE is focusing on education reform is through attention to data-driven instructional techniques for improving and focusing instruction on what matters most. In the 2011-2012 school year, the NRCCTE will offer CTEDDI (Career and Technical Educators using Data-Driven Improvement) to states as a technical assistance option. CTEDDI will provide educators from participating states with professional development to increase their knowledge and skills in the use and interpretation of assessment data for making instructional improvements. CTEDDI will be delivered by facilitators who will also serve as coaches as the educators apply their initial training at their school sites. Filmed at ACTE 2012, St. Louis, MO.
Improving Secondary CTE Through Professional Development: Alternative Certification and the Use of Technical Assessment Data
The NRCCTE is developing two professional development models focused on improving secondary CTE that address: supporting teachers entering the profession through alternative routes and the use of technical assessment data to drive instructional improvement and student achievement. John Foster, project director of the CTEDDI professional development model, discussed these two projects and results from pilot and field studies. Filmed at ACTE 2012, St. Louis, MO.
Math-in-CTE Sample Lesson: Information Technology
In response to hundreds of requests from CTE educators and school administrators across the United States for more information about its Math-in-CTE curriculum integration and professional development model, the NRCCTE developed a series of videos about the model.
In this video, teachers Jeffrey Elkner and Isaac Zawolo (Arlington Career Center, Arlington, VA) lead their students through a lesson that unites the use of Scratch with an understanding of how to plot points on a coordinate plane.
Math-in-CTE at the Arlington Career Center, Arlington Public Schools
In response to hundreds of requests from CTE educators and school administrators across the United States for more information about its Math-in-CTE curriculum integration and professional development model, the NRCCTE developed a series of videos about the model.
This video offers an in-depth look at the experiences of administrators, CTE and math teachers, and students implementing Math-in-CTE at the Arlington Career Center in Arlington, VA.
Math-in-CTE Sample Lesson: Cashiering
In response to hundreds of requests from CTE educators and school administrators across the United States for more information about its Math-in-CTE curriculum integration and professional development model, the NRCCTE developed a series of videos about the model.
In this video, Culinary instructor LisaJo Carleton (Breithaupt Career and Technical Center, Detroit, MI) takes her students through a lesson about the correct way to handle guest checks and make change in a restaurant, with a focus on decimals and basic math.
Using Labor Market Information Within a Program of Study Context
On March 6, 2012, at ACTE’s National Policy Seminar, the NRCCTE held a special session and simultaneous webinar featuring a discussion of Career Clusters: Forecasting High School through College Jobs, 2008-2018, a report co-authored by the NRCCTE, the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, and the NRCCTE’s partner, the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc; now Advance CTE). The report took employment projections information and reorganized it using the 16 career clusters.
During this session, some of the co-authors of the report discussed how this was done, which career clusters are in the highest demand, and how states and districts can use labor market information to develop locally relevant programs of study.
An Introduction to the Math-in-CTE Curriculum Integration Model
In response to hundreds of requests from CTE educators and school administrators across the United States for more information about its Math-in-CTE curriculum integration and professional development model, the NRCCTE developed a series of videos about the model.
This video, filmed in Arlington, VA, Detroit, MI, and Eugene, OR, introduces the origins, structure, and benefits of the Math-in-CTE curriculum integration professional development model from the perspective of administrators, CTE and math teachers, and students implementing it in real schools.
Oh Vision, Where Art Thou? Defining and Marketing a Vision for CTE
Dr. Mike Rush from the Idaho Division of Professional Technical Education presents “Oh, Vision, Where Art Thou? Defining and Marketing a Vision for Career and Technical Education.”
The Emerging Field of Workforce Development: Sizzle or Fizzle?
Dr. Jacobs shares his thoughts about workforce development and how it differs from other fields of study, including CTE, human resource development, and adult education. Workforce development represents a more inclusive, perhaps a more systemic approach to the broad enterprise of working and learning.
The Economic Development/Workforce Development Connection
Dr. Jeffrey Finkle, president and CEO of the International Economic Development Council in Washington, DC, talks about the relationship between workforce development and economic development, and about four specific aspects of workforce development.
Curriculum Integration: Does it Matter Who’s in the Driver’s Seat?
Ivan Charner and Robin White discuss the preliminary findings from a study of four integrated curriculum models. The four models are differentiated by the driver or the catalyst. One model is employer led, one is teacher led, one was led by university faculty, and one was a mixed or multiple model. The study of these models emerged from two different directions. The first was from the growing focus on curriculum integration of a number of educational reform efforts, particularly Perkins, Career and Technical Education, and School to Work. Both of those reforms had curriculum integration at the heart of them. The second area was some work in the state of Michigan on a very sophisticated employer- and union-driven curriculum integration model. The goal of the study was to add to the research on curriculum integration with some in-depth information on the merits and strengths of the four models, also where there were barriers and challenges around the models.
CTE as a Driving Component of Whole School Reform: Review of Research and First Year Observations of Successful Practices at Work
Drs. Stringfield and Castellano are leading a longitudinal study examining schools that have incorporated various models of career and technical education as part of a whole-school reform strategy. They have focused on schools that primarily serve young people at risk of not benefiting from their educational experiences.
How is Contextual Teaching and Learning Being Applied in Career and Technical Education?
Susan Jones Sears discusses contextual teaching and learning in career and technical education.
Best Practices in Education for Adolescents with Chronic Illnesses and Disabilities
In this webcast, Riehle and Rutkowski discuss options and alternatives for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses who may not feel like they can go on to some kind of postsecondary opportunities. They discuss alternatives, best practices, and local, state, and national data.
Exemplary Practice: What Makes a Good Teacher
This webcast discusses National Board certification, an effort of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, and what the certification process has meant for learning and teaching since 1987.
What Makes an Exemplary Program?
The Exemplary Programs project sought to identify and share information about those career and technical programs that are truly exemplary. Through our work with the National Advisory Committee, we have identified the critical components of high-quality career and technical education programs, solicited nominations from state leaders for exemplary designation, and evaluated programs on their evidence of effectiveness of program quality, educational significance, and potential for replicability. During the first year of this five-year project, we were very pleased to identify four programs at the high school level that met the criteria for exemplary programs.
Learning Styles and the Impact on Teaching
Dr. Barkley shares her insights on learning styles and their impact on teaching.
Thoughts on Evaluation
Dr. Altschuld raises some issues and challenges in career and technical education related to evaluation.
Workforce Investment Act of 1998
Garth Mangum shares his observations on the Workforce Investment Act, the current version of the legislation that had its origins in the Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962.
High Schools of the Millennium: Implications for Career and Technical Education
The American Youth Policy Forum’s High Schools of the Millennium project grew out of the AYPF’s work in career and technical education.
Education Reform and Career and Technical Education: Reflecting on the Role of a National Center
Charles R. Hopkins reflects on the role of the National Center in what appears to be an ever-changing educational environment, examining the past and some of concerns and calls for change or reform that the field has faced. He also reflects on how the National Research Center might play a role in bringing synergy to school change endeavors or some of the reform efforts to fruition.
Swiss Vocational Education: Facts, Figures, and Prospects
This webcast discusses vocational education in Switzerland.