Program offerings are subject to change without
notice. Final decisions on program offerings are determined
by state coordinators. SREB does not make decisions on
whether the program you seek is offered by a public institution
in your home state.
Some institutions participate at only the undergraduate level or
the graduate level. Some institutions participate starting
at the junior level.
Find specifics under the Additional State and
Institutional Notes section of the search programs page.
Doctoral-Level First-Professional Programs Excluded from ACM in
The following first-professional degrees will no longer be
eligible for Academic Common Market starting January 1,
2022: Audiology (Au.D), Chiropractic (DC), Pharmacy (Pharm.D),
and Physical Therapy (DPT). For more information, please contact
your state ACM coordinator.
Florida, Texas: Graduate Level Only
Florida and Texas participate in the Academic Common Market at
the graduate level only. This is a reciprocal agreement for
Florida and Texas residents as well as the out-of-state students
who wish to study in these states.
North Carolina No Longer Participates
As a result of the General Assembly of North Carolina’s
Appropriations Act of 2011, North Carolina no longer participates
in the Academic Common Market.