Topic: Teacher Shortages
Teacher Workforce Shortages
Every student deserves a great teacher — but teacher shortages hurt education and the economy. Teachers are one of the most influential factors in a child’s learning. And collectively, the teacher workforce helps to prepare workers for all other industries.
But across the Southeast, teacher shortages harm student learning, deepen inequities, compound the challenges teachers face, and cause economic disadvantages.
To elevate the profession and address teacher shortages, states should:
1. Understand the data. Data is a valuable tool to help inform both policy and practice. Regional and state data can paint a picture of teacher workforce strengths, challenges, and trends.
2. Design a comprehensive blueprint. When renovating teacher workforce policies, consider the big picture rather than individual pieces in isolation. Design policies for preparation & pathways, licensure, professional support, and compensation together as an interlocking system.
3. Ensure policies support each stage of a teacher’s career. Aligning policies from preparation through classroom teaching and leadership opportunities can help make teaching a more attractive and sustainable profession.
Teacher Workforce Data
To address teacher shortages, elevate the profession, and fuel the economy, a key first step is unpacking the data.
States are uniquely positioned for this work — by collecting, analyzing, and distributing teacher workforce data, states can shine a light on inequities and inefficiencies. SREB supports efforts to use data to inform policy and practice, shares research and analysis, and conducts focus groups with teachers to learn more about their experiences.
SREB Takeaways on Teacher Compensation Data
Trends and highlights from our 2024 analysis
Teacher compensation is about more than just salaries. Each year, we track and analyze teacher compensation data across the SREB region — from salaries to health and retirement benefits to take-home pay. Here we highlight takeaways from our most recent analysis.
Teacher Shortage Data by State
State-Specific Data, Regional Trends, and Spotlights From Across the South
Explore regional highlights, state-by-state data collections, and spotlights of promising state practices from across the South. Data include various measures of teacher quantity, preparation, demographics, shortages, quality, and talent distribution from 2019-2023.
Teacher Labor Market Trends
Insights From Two Southern States
Teacher shortages, high turnover rates and declining interest in the teaching profession have proven difficult for policymakers to address. These concerns are even more dire in Southern states.
Partnering with researchers at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education, SREB studied data in Kentucky and Tennessee on teacher labor market trends over the last decade. This online report features seven findings with interactive charts.
The Next Generation of Teachers
A Study of Generation Z’s Interest in the Teaching Profession
We depend on Generation Z to fill the growing number of teaching vacancies. Partnering with researchers at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education, SREB studied data in Kentucky and Tennessee for insight into Gen Z and their interest in the teaching profession. This online report features six findings with interactive charts.
Teacher Labor Markets Trends Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
A Literature Review
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many aspects of the education system, including teacher recruitment, retention and hiring. More than three years since schools first closed their doors, newly available data and research are beginning to provide insights into the ways that the pandemic changed the landscape of the teacher workforce.
Recruiting the Next Generation of Teachers: Challenges and Innovations
Crafting programs and policies that address the teacher workforce requires knowledge of Gen Z, their interest in entering the teaching profession, and how to support them as new teachers. In this brief, the research team reviewed the literature on Gen Z’s background, interest in teaching as a profession, and what states and districts are doing to try and recruit them.
Let’s give our teachers what any employee needs to be successful
Building a First-Rate Teacher Workforce
Four Fundamentals of Attracting and Retaining Great Teachers — Starting with Data
Districts and schools are having to rely on a “warm body” approach to address teacher shortages, focusing on filling numerical vacancies over teacher qualification or preparedness. But taking a closer look at four fundamental areas of data can help make efforts to solve shortages more effective and longer-lasting.
A Blueprint to Solve Teacher Shortages
The Overlooked Workforce
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How can we recruit and retain enough great teachers to serve all of our students? This webinar covered how several Southern states are working to enact their own comprehensive blueprints to elevate the teaching profession and reinforce the pipeline of qualified teachers.
A Blueprint to Solve Teacher Shortages
Imagine a world where more great people enter teaching, stay in the profession, and get better and better. How do we achieve this?
This report offers insight on how to elevate the profession by renovating policies that affect the teacher workforce. With lessons from SREB states that have forged comprehensive plans, it covers pathways and preparation, licensing, mentoring and support, and compensation structures. The report also includes data on shortages, what causes them and how they hurt our economy.
Teacher Workforce Data Summary
SREB Region At-A-Glance, 2019-20
The Overlooked Workforce
An Examination of Educator Shortages in the South
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Shortages in the teacher and faculty workforces are putting our economy and society at risk. This webinar examined the most recent data collected by SREB on P-20 educator shortages across the South. Speakers discussed why shortages have worsened, how several states are using data to address them, and presented:
What do we know about teacher shortages in each state and across the country? How severe are they? What has caused the shortages — and how can leaders help solve them?
SREB joined leaders from EducationCounsel, FutureEd at Georgetown University, and state and local school systems for an online event Nov. 8 to answer these important questions. (See the video of the event at the end of this story.)
Impact of teacher shortages in most states far-reaching
When students don’t have good
teachers, it can affect their cognitive growth — and over time
can result in measurable economic loss.
Teacher shortages, therefore, are the type of crisis that “can put an entire society at risk,” said Nicole Smith, the chief economist and research professor at the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.
Addressing Teacher Shortages
To Sustain Education, the Workforce and Economy
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This panel explored how P-12 teachers are essential to not only student learning but also postsecondary education and the workforce – and how teacher shortages can threaten state economies in the long run.
COVID-19 Effects on the Teacher Workforce
In April, my mom called me with the news that my high school chemistry teacher, Mr. Metcalfe, who was rounding out his 42nd year of teaching, had died from COVID-19. I knew him from class, of course, but I also went to school with his son for 13 years and his family attended my grandparent’s church.
He was respected, loved and honored for his excellent teaching. His funeral was an all-day parade of cars through the high school parking lot, where community members waved and shouted condolences to his family. My mom said the cars stretched down the street for miles.
A Long-Term Solution to Teacher Shortages
Finding the Root of the Problem
We’ve all heard the saying “You can’t see the forest for the trees.” When it comes to state policies affecting the teacher workforce, it’s important to see both.
Teachers make life-long impressions on thousands of students — over 3,000 in an average career — and help raise every generation to understand the world and become productive, well-rounded citizens.