SREB Commission on Career Pathways and Credentials


Commission on Career Pathways and Credentials

The Commission on Career Pathways and Credentials includes members from each of SREB’s 16 states, including leadership from governors’ offices and state agencies, K-12 superintendents, principals and teachers, postsecondary deans and faculty members, and business leaders. They will learn from one another and review research, data and promising practices.

They will develop recommendations for:

  • Using labor market data to guide decision making.
  • Designating a state agency or special council to collaborate with employers, secondary and postsecondary education agencies, and workforce investment boards to establish common definitions for high-demand, high-skilled and high-wage careers.
  • Creating criteria for identifying high demand career pathways and approving industry-certification examinations and technical skill assessments that are part of a system of stackable credentials.