Data Systems Bibliography


Data Systems Bibliography

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Timely Access to Education Data: Annotated Bibliography
SREB, April 2015

For two decades, states have invested significant amounts of their funding to implement statewide P-20 data systems to collect and examine education data. Improved data and analysis help states identify trends that inform efforts to improve education and raise student achievement. Several SREB states use Longitudinal Data Systems to collect, analyze and share education data. But still one challenge remains for states: lack of timely access to education data. This bibliography highlights key studies related to developing LDSs and the importance of providing timely access to data and analysis.

Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS)
Georgia Department of Education

The Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) is designed to help districts, schools, and teachers make informed, data-driven decisions to improve student learning. SLDS is a free application that is accessed via a link in the district’s Student Information System (SIS). It provides districts, schools, and teachers with access to historical data, including Assessments, Attendance, Enrollment, Courses, and Grades beginning with the 2006-2007 school year.

Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program
National Center for Education Statistics (ies Institute of Education Sciences)

Through grants and a growing range of services and resources, the program has helped propel the successful design, development, implementation, and expansion of K12 and P-20W (early learning through the workforce) longitudinal data systems. Click here to learn more about our program.

Paving the Path to Success: Data for Action 2014
Data Quality Campaign DQC, 2014 Annual Report.

Data are more than just test scores, and by effectively accessing and using different types of data, teachers, parents, and school and district leaders can help ensure that every student is on a path for success every day, not just at the end of the school year.
In DQC’s annual report, find out more about
Data for Action 2014 key findings, including detailed state-by-state status;
•the national landscape of education data and policy;
•examples from leading states;
•information on how states are meeting people’s data needs while working to ensure the safeguarding of student information.

State Analysis by State Action
Data Quality Campaign DQC,

Data are more than just test scores, and by effectively accessing and using different types of data, teachers, parents, and school and district leaders can help ensure that every student is on a path for success every day, not just at the end of the school year. Data are more than just test scores, and by effectively accessing and using different types of data—such as attendance, grades, and course-taking—teachers, parents, and school and district leaders can help ensure that every student is on a path for success every day, not just at the end of the school year. DQC’s 10th annual state analysis, Data for Action 2014, measures states’ progress achieving the 10 State Actions to Ensure Effective Data Use, which call for states to move from collecting data only for compliance and accountability purposes to using data to answer critical policy questions, inform continuous improvement, and ultimately, support students on their paths to success.

State Analysis by Essential Element
Data Quality Campaign DQC

The 10 Essential Elements of Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, along with the 10 State Actions, provide a roadmap for state policymakers to create a culture in which quality data are not only collected but also used to increase student achievement. From 2005 to 2011 DQC measured states’ progress toward implementing the 10 Essential Elements of Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems.

In September 2009 every state committed to implement the 12 America COMPETES Elements—which include DQC’s 10 Essential Elements—and to publicly report this information. As a result, states are now reporting the status of their ability to collect this information to the US Department of Education,* and DQC will use those reports as its primary source of information about states’ progress building state longitudinal data systems.

Data Systems Bibliography

National Education Data Model
NCES, U.S. Department of Education

The National Education Data Model is a conceptual but detailed representation of the education information domain. The Education Data Model strives to be a shared understanding among all education stakeholders as to what information needs to be collected and managed at the local level in order to enable effective instruction of students and superior leadership of schools.

“Report: State Data Systems Progress, Though Key Challenges Remain”
David Nagel, Campus Technology, December 01, 2011

This new report from education data coalition Data Quality Campaign is calling on policymakers to strengthen links between K-12, workforce, and post-secondary institutions.


Longitudinal Data Systems

Traveling Through Time: The Forum Guide to Longitudinal Data Systems
NCES, U.S. Department of Education, 2010

This document, Book Two of Four: Planning and Developing an LDS, is the second installment of this Forum series of guides on longitudinal data systems (LDS). One goal of the Forum is to improve the quality of education data gathered for use by policymakers and program decision makers. LDSs are increasingly becoming the state of the art in education data. These systems move timely, student-level data and us from relying on blunt, aggregate, snapshot student data; to detail that reflect the student’s entire academic history. An LDS makes it possible to not only monitor the success of individual students, but also to identify trends in those students’ education records.

Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program
U.S. Department of Education

Through grants and a growing range of services and resources, the program has helped propel the successful design, development, implementation, and expansion of K-12 and P-20W (early learning through the workforce) longitudinal data systems.


Data Quality Campaign

Data Quality Campaign

The Data Quality Campaign (DQC) supports state policymakers and other key leaders to promote the effective use of data to improve student achievement. DQC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, national advocacy organization based in Washington, DC. Launched in 2005 by 10 founding partners, DQC now leads a partnership of nearly 100 organizations committed to realizing the vision of an education system in which all stakeholders—from parents to policymakers—are empowered with high-quality data from the early childhood, K–12, postsecondary, and workforce systems to make decisions that ensure every student graduates high school prepared for success in college and the workplace. To achieve this vision, DQC supports state policymakers and other key leaders to promote the effective use of data to improve student achievement.

“State Data Systems Make a Difference for Students”
DQC, November 29, 2012

Bob Swiggum from the Georgia Department of Educaiton comments on how SLDS makes a difference for students in report in Data Quality Campaign.

DQC’s Six Federal Policy Principles
Kristin Yochum, DQC, June 26, 2013

In July DQC began implementing new federal policy efforts around the federal implications of education data, working with all branches of the federal government and other federally facing national partners to strengthen the effective use of education data for student achievement at the federal level. Our team has done this by advancing the following six principles in all our work:
1. Reduce Burden on States while Ensuring that Essential Data are Collected and Reported
2. Promote Transparency and Data Accessibility
3. Break Down Silos
4. Build Capacity of Stakeholders to Use Data
5. Ensure Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality of Data
6. Serve as a Catalyst for Building, Maintaining, and Innovating Data Infrastructure
For more from DQC on federal policy, visit their action issue page


SEDTA Report on Data Initiatives

Transforming Data to Information in Service of Learning
State Educational Technology Directors Association, May 2013

While states, districts, and schools have long collected education data, we still lack the ability to easily transform that data into information that will help guide policy or decisions affecting instruction, school administration, and operations. Education data and information systems need to be in service of learning. We must think systemically about how to make information easily accessible to help guide decision-making in a way that is usable in support of student success. Simply put, we must raise the profile of data interoperability issues if we are serious about increasing learning opportunities for all of the nation’s students.

The State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) developed this report to raise awareness about many of the major initiatives currently underway to address data standards and interoperability issues. The widespread implementation of new and emerging interoperability initiatives has the potential to herald the arrival of a new educational technology ecosystem truly responsive to educators and in support of student success.


Higher Education Data Systems

Strong Foundations: The State of State Postsecondary Data Systems: 2012 Update on Data Sharing with K-12 and Labor
Tanya I. Garcia and Hans Peter L’Orange, State Higher Education Executive Officers Association, November 2012

This 2012 study conducted by SHEEO updates Strong Foundations: The State of State Postsecondary Data Systems (2010), devoted exclusively to the data sharing activities of 59 state higher education coordinating and governing boards in 44 states and the District of Columbia.


Managing Data Including Privacy Issues

Data Stewardship: Managing Personally Identifiable Information in Student Education Records
NCES, U.S. Department of Education

This Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) Technical Brief focuses on data stewardship, which involves each organization’s commitment to ensuring that privacy, confidentiality, security, and the appropriate use of data are respected when personally identifiable information is collected. Data stewardship involves all aspects of data collection, from planning, collection and maintenance to use and dissemination. The Brief also discusses internal control procedures that should be implemented to protect personally identifiable information, including the use of unique student identifiers and linking codes, workforce security, authorization for access, role based access to student record data, permitted uses, and the handling of data breaches. This Brief concludes with a discussion of accountability and auditing, including an overview of the types of audit activities that can be implemented to ensure that all stages of data stewardship have been successfully implemented.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Overview
U. S. Department of Education

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA Resources
NCES, U.S. Department of Education

These and other privacy related resources can be found here.

How Districts Use Data to Drive Proactive Decisions Benefits and Best Practices for Creating a Data-Rich Culture
Ann Ware, Dan Ralyea and Georgia Mariani, SAS, 2012

This paper stems from an April 2012 webinar hosted by Education Week, education professionals from Consortium for School Networking and Rock Hill (SC) School District 3 discussed an information environment that can integrate data from across the district, track information over time, uncover trends and equip decision makers with self-service reporting – and the culture shift that has to happen to make this all possible.

Education leaders know it is no longer enough to collect data just to deliver mandated reports. It is time to use diverse data sources to make better, fact-based decisions that improve educational outcomes and the use of scarce resources. “It starts with a commitment by all stakeholders to use data for continuous improvement at the school and district levels. District and school leaders should model data- driven decision making as a key aspect of their roles and responsibilities.”

“States Must Prioritize Data Use and Protection”
Ann Ware, Consortium for School Networking, October 17, 2013

Across the country, educators are using education data responsibly to tailor learning to meet the needs of every child and ensure their students are on track to graduate prepared for the rigors of postsecondary education and the workforce. But as a recent pair of stories in The New York Times illustrates, educators need more policy and practical guidance around data use — especially concerning how they share data with service providers offering tools to help store and use data effectively. These providers are a cost-effective investment for many school districts that don’t have the capacity to develop data tools on their own. But educators and policymakers must take measures to ensure the careful oversight of any education data sharing.

That’s where the state comes in, leading the way by setting crystal clear policies to safeguard the privacy, security, and confidentiality of their students’ education data.
The author outlines a few crucial steps state policymakers should take as they address the urgent need to safeguard education data.