Volume 1, July 2024
Message from the SREB President
Dr. Stephen L. Pruitt
Welcome to the first edition of the SREB Journal of Education Practices and Trends. Since SREB’s inception in 1948, the organization has served as a convener of education leaders, state officials, and other policymakers to improve education.
Effectiveness of Early Literacy Policies When Statewide Efforts Support Them
Journal of Education Practices and Trends, July 2024
Mississippi has transformed their literacy outcomes through strategies focused on improving the reading skills of public-school students in kindergarten through third grade, referred to as the Mississippi Miracle. The Literacy-Based Promotion Act led to significant changes, especially within Mississippi’s teacher education programs, resulting in great reading achievements of school districts and students.
Opportunities and Obstacles for In-State Retention of University Graduates
Journal of Education Practices and Trends, July 2024
An excerpt of the 2021 SAIR Best Paper award, this article summarizes a state’s retention challenges of college graduates identified from a college student survey and how the state responded to those challenges.
Increasing FAFSA Completion: Comparisons of Projects Across SREB States
Journal of Education Practices and Trends, July 2024
Louisiana, Alabama, and Texas, all SREB members, have mandatory FAFSA completion requirements. This article compares each state’s approach and results of implementation, shares the potential impact of the new FAFSA form, and makes recommendations for states in the early stages of considering the addition of a FAFSA completion initiative.
Assessing the Impact of State Economies and Investment in Higher Education
Journal of Education Practices and Trends, July 2024
Researchers postulate that state economies predominately based on natural resources and agriculture are less likely to invest in postsecondary education. International data has shown that nations with these economies do not invest in human capital. This excerpt of the study presents data to update findings and recommendations on these factors. A link to the full article is available for further review.
Collaborative Online Course Sharing Supports Student Success at HBCUs and MSIs
Journal of Education Practices and Trends, July 2024
Former Director of Specialized Programming, Benedict College
The white paper focuses on the impact of collaborative online course sharing at historically Black colleges and universities and other minority-serving institutions and highlights the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) HBCU-MSI Course Sharing Consortium in removing barriers to student success.
Funding of Higher Education
Journal of Education Practices and Trends, July 2024
The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) releases the State Higher Education Finance (SHEF) report annually. These charts offer comparisons of various data points across all states, with a focus on the SREB states, based on the 2023 SHEF report, which reflects data from the most recently completed fiscal year.